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^---- My partnering artist is working with the same prompts but in their own way, so the art won't match my writing.

TW: heavy gore, blood, vomiting

The alleyway was left in partial shadow by the moon above and smelled richly of rot and smoke. If not for the rough hands that pulled me further into the desolate and cramped space, I would've left this disgusting place far behind me.

Rasped words grated on my ears, and my stomach was flattened against the nearest wall. Going rigid with fright, I tried not to think about the serated knife grazing the hairs on my neck.

I was only on my way home from a friend's. How could this have happened to me?

I opened my mouth to speak, but all that I could manage was a sharp inhale when the cold edge pushed just enough to draw a trickle of blood.

My attacker cackled, their warm breath ghosting by my ear and reeking of alcohol. My fallen bag was snatched from the ground and flipped upside down. Various items, including my wallet, tumbled to the cracked pavement. One handed, the valuable things were taken from sight with the knife still steadily at my neck.

Then, without warning, I was thrown away from the wall and to the dirty ground. My palms and knees scraped painfully so, blood now joining the rest of the muck.

"Please," I finally choked out past my suffocating terror, shakily pushing up on all fours. My beg was ignored, and they were behind me once again. Picked up by the back of my filthy shirt, I was forced to my feet with the glittering weapon raised threateningly before my eyes.

An abrupt, insane laughter distracted me whilst that knife was plunged below my heart. My scream was cut short by their gloved hand, and all I could do was squirm and kick.

In a sawing motion, the knife forced it's way through skin and muscle diagonally from left to right. Heaps of rich blood splattered to the alley floor, building an intricate design from puddle to puddle.

The smell was foul, itching the inside of my nose, but nothing overpowered the immense waves of pain that seared throughout my body. My eyes already casted downwards, I could see my organs slipping from the wide wound.

My large and small intestine were the first to go with a splash of blood. Then, my stomach followed suit, spilling it's acid, half dissolved food, and other fluids to mix with the blood. Blazing white, hot flashes engulfed my vision, and I couldn't breath nor think past the intense pain.

I found myself on the ground, alone to fend for myself. I didn't realize that my throat was also cut to keep quiet my screams. Having been about to throw up, the vomit instead spilled from the new cut. My squashed stomach was still attached enough to relinguish the rest of my dinner from out my open throat. It folded out in waves like thick, greenish-yellow icing with a nasty squirting sound, choking me further with the bubbling blood that also coated the entire inside of my mouth.

I couldn't breath, feeling the wet slide of organs as they slithered out of me. There was no point in attempting to push them back inside when I had already lost too much blood.

Unable to call out for help and beyond the ability to run or move at all, I allowed myself to fall forwards, prompting a shuddering squishing sound and splash of fluids.

I felt so empty inside, both literally and figuratively, and I layed there for some time as all of the air fizzled out from my weakly expanding lungs. Quick to follow, my jostled heart stuttered one final pump before dying out, but my brain buzzed on passed the breaking point. I endured further torture despite having been technically dead for a solid ten seconds.

The thick smell of my insides was the last thing I recalled as darkness soon overtook me. Comforted by this opportunity, I eagerly allowed myself to escape away from this immeasurable agony to a better place.

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