Chapter 3: Answers

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The light shines through the curtains, awaking Salre.

He slowly gets up, stretching and yawning, getting out of bed.

He looks at the dresser, and there lies a nice pair of clothes.

He picks them up and inspects them, curious of what he is going to be wearing. It's a white shirt, with black pants, a brown belt and a small brown cap with holes for his ears. How considerate.

He puts them on, and realizes there a wall clock in the room.


'Oh, I must've slept in,' He thought. Salre isn't used to sleeping in this late, as he normally has to get to the city early and find work, but now... he doesn't.

He walks out of the bedroom, and creeps his way downstairs, looking for that wolf.

He doesn't want to invade his privacy or his home, so just glances around the rooms before noticing him outside, fishing.

He walks out the front door, and walks slowly to the wolf.

He realized he forgot his dagger, in case something happened, because he still hadn't felt safe here, but he might as well get comfortable as he might be here for a while.

He gets closer, and the wolf turns to him, smiling.

"Ahh, Tiger! You are awake, good to see you." He says in a pleasant tone, almost seeming like a completely different person from the night before.

"Hello, sir." Salre responds politely.

"Please don't call me sir, it makes me feel old." The wolf responds, chuckling.

'His laugh is... nice. I like it.'

"What should I call you then?"

"Guess I haven't introduced myself yet, have I," he says, smiling, "My name's Elias. Elias Stawarski. What's your name, Tiger?"

"My name is Salre. Salre Cuy."

"Salre, huh? Cute name for a tiger." He says playfully, getting back to his fishing.

Salre looks at him, and walks towards him more, before sitting next to him at the edge of the dock, where Elias is sitting.

"Is there... anything I can do?"

"Nope, I'm just fishing."


They sit in silence awkwardly, before Salre breaks the silence.

"Does anyone else live with you here? It's a big house for just one person."
"No, my mother and father moved away to a nearby city, and all my siblings moved with them. I stayed here, because it was nice. I could be alone, and work on my books."

"You write?"

"Yes, I'm an author. I write many books, send them through the mail and get them published, and they make copies with those new, fancy book printers. It's so interesting how the world is changing to fast, using machines and such."

"Oh, that's fascinating."

"What about you? Do you have family?"

"My dad died when I was a kid, he got murdered and our money got stolen. Since that happened, me and my mom were in the streets and we moved to this current city, where I had to learn Spanish."

Authors Note: The characters in this book actually all speak Spanish, English is a foreign language.

"Oh, what's your native language?"

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