Day 1: first kiss (dinluke)

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Jesus fucking Christ. God only knows how I have survived so long being this close to Din. On his motorbike. DIN HAS A MOTORBIKE?!

He had offered to take me home after the (not) date he had set up to say thank you for tutoring Grogu. I had to keep reminding myself, it was most definitely not a date, he was just being nice and paying me back for the free tutoring I had given his son. But when we were sitting down at the table in the extremely romantic restaurant he had taken me to, I really made myself believe that he was taking me out on a date. Maybe a first date, or the second, or the fifth.. I was really getting caught up in myself.

The setting only made matters worse. The table was candle-lit, with roses that were placed neatly on the crimson table cloth. He had ordered a bottle of wine for the table, that had eventually been finished (which I don't think was very safe, as he was driving us home) and had left me feeling quite light and bubbly.

After we had finished our meal, he led me outside and pointed to a vehicle on the other side of the parking lot.

"Did I tell you about my motorbike?" he asked.

Motorbike? Just as I thought I couldn't be more attracted to this man, he says he rides a motorbike. However my thoughts are cut short when he asks, "how are you getting home?"

"Oh I was just going to walk. My house isn't that far away, only like half an hour walking.."

"Walking?" he questioned, surprised for some unknown reason. I nodded as he exclaimed, "you can't walk this late at night!"

"Well I didn't take my car because I didn't know that we were going to talk for so long. But honestly it's fine I'll just walk.." I rambled, but was interrupted as he announced,
"Nonsense. I'm taking you home Luke." He grinned at me.

So that's how I found myself on the back of Din's motorbike, with my hands clinging onto his waist for dear life. I was absolutely terrified of anything that went too fast, but I wasn't going to tell him that. Din and my dad would get on very well. My dad's favourite hobby was to scare me by going wildly over the speed limit while I was in the car.

Luckily, this was quite the opposite with Din. Every now and then, he would ask gently, "you okay?" and I would say "yes thanks". It got to the point where it started becoming ridiculous (it wasn't actually ridiculous, it was making me fall more head over heels for him).
I chuckled and asked "are you broken?"
"Just making sure I'm not going too fast" he laughed back. "Other people I've dropped off have said they were scared we were going to crash because we were going so fast" we
"Who were you dropping off? Elderly women?" I joked, secretly wondering if there were actually other people he had gone on dates with.
"Ha. Ha. Very funny Luke." He said unenthusiastically.

We turned into my street and I pointed to my house, but if I was going to be honest, I didn't want this to end. I loved being around him, I mean I loved him in general.
As he slowed down and steered into my driveway, he asked,
"Can I walk you to the door?"
"If that's okay," I said timidly.
"Of course it's okay," he pulled off his helmet, leaving his hair disheveled and scruffy, and Jesus Christ was he attractive.

He must have caught me staring because he turned to me and laughed,
"Is there something on my face?"
"You're so.. beautiful," I whispered, but as soon as the words had left my mouth and my brain had registered what I had said, my hand flew to my mouth. I was NOT supposed to say that! How had that slipped out?

I was about to splutter out an apology, but before I could say anything, Din stepped closer to me and put his arms around my shoulders so that I could feel his warm breath against my neck.
"Really?" he chuckled, pulling away from my neck and gazing into my eyes.
"Yes," I uttered, slowly leaning towards his face.
Din closed the gap between us, gently pressing his soft lips against mine. I hesitantly grabbed his face and ran my hands through his silky hair. When he pulled away, I pulled him into a hug and dug my face into the crook of his shoulder to hide my beaming grin. There was absolutely no way that just happened.

I gave myself a second to regain consciousness and fish my house keys out of my pocket.

"Goodnight Din," I smiled.

"See you, Luke."

obikin + dinluke Flufftober 2023 Where stories live. Discover now