Committing Crimes On Your First Day

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"We need to request a meeting with Scott Smajor." Dream said panting with Sapnap by his side, damn near delirious from the late hour and lack of sleep. The lady at the front desk of the Academy Headquarters didn't look up as she spoke.

"Scott Smajor is the President of the Platinum Rings and the Mayor. He doesn't have time to talk with some low rank her-." Her words trailed off as she looked up and realized she was talking to THE Dream. "Mayor Smajor's schedule is empty. You may go up." She tossed Dream a key from under the desk.

"C'mon Hell child." Dream said as he walked to the elevator. The second the elevator closed he lifted up the fern in the corner and inserted the key into the keyhole. "Hold on Sappy." Dream said as he grabbed onto the railing of the elevator with both hands. Sapnap hesitantly complied.

"Oh my god! Is this Escape by Rupert Holmes? I love this song!" The sixteen-year-old practically yelled not being able to hear the countdown over his horrendous singing and love for piña coladas. Dream chuckled with his eyes trained on the ravenette. "If you like piña coladas and getting caught in the rAI- AAAGGHHHH!" Sapnap screamed.

"One." Dream held onto the railing tighter as the lights shut off in the elevator and the elevator cables simultaneously went slack causing the elevator to freefall. Sapnap's high pitched scream filled Dream's ears and the faint sound of Rupert Holmes' voice. Dream counted to five before lifting his legs up and putting them on the rail with his hands, completely resting on the rail.

The elevator jolted to a stop. "Is it over wiTHHH WHAT THE FU-?" The floor of the elevator swung open on the hinges dropping Sapnap with the boy's scream fading as he fell. Dream chuckled before pushing himself off the rail following Sapnap to the Mayor's underground office slash bunker.

He landed into the glass fish tank that Smajor placed for everyone who went through the elevator to land in. He quickly swam up and climbed out of the tank wheezing from how hard he was laughing at Sapnap. It didn't help that Sapnap was staring at him like a cat who was forced to take a bath.

"You're a dick. I'm going to make a complaint to Scott about you." Sapnap said taking his bandana off as it was soaked along with his mask as Smajor knew who they both were and preferred to be talking to them without it.

Dream moved the white mask to the side of his head revealing his face completely and walked to the big door at the end of the hall ignoring the one to his left and right. Records over the villains and records over the heroes. He didn't need to knock so he opened the door and took a seat in the chair directly across from Smajor's desk. Smajor was on his laptop typing aggressively while on the phone. When he saw the duo, he shut his laptop and ended his phone call.

"Oh hello Dream and Inferno. I'm assuming this is important as it is three in the morning and you're usually out on patrol right now. I don't know if you heard. Davidson Labs was blown sky high ten minutes ago." Sapnap tensed up at Dream's side pitying the strange man.

"They're back. The Syndicate. They lived. If they survived, do you think that Fundy and Schlatt did? They don't even have any powers that could save them. The only power that could have helped them survive was The Pig's enhanced strength and maybe Angel's wings. That doesn't stop a building from collapsing on them though." Smajor placed his hand on Dream's trembling hand.

"You have to let go. You can't hold onto every stray strand of hope that you find. Every couple months, you come and tell me that you saw Schlatt on the streets or you heard that Fundy was running a drug ring. If you don't shape up, you will leave me with no choice but to suspend you and make you get proper help." Smajor said his tone was soft but stern.

"The Syndicate blew up Davidson Labs. We saw them talking to CEO Davidson. He refused their protection of the Lab, so they blew it up to make a point to him. He has a target on his back now. If they didn't kill Davidson in the explosion, they will take him out himself. He has something they want." Sapnap explained throwing Dream a sympathetic look and backing him up on what happened.

"I will make a private statement about the Syndicate being back. We are still recovering from the hero shortage after their reign. We lost over seventy percent of them before you took them down. We can't lose anyone else. The top hundred heroes will be allowed in the field. Everyone below will fill the empty spots of the Golden Rings." Smajor writing it down in his notepad.

"Empty spots?" Dream said, confused looking at Sapnap too just to make sure he wasn't hearing things and Smajor was serious.

"Every hero who has a high rank of A or is ranked S will be allowed to continue their duties along with the top hundred. Nihachu is no exception to this rule, just because of her position. If a hero is ranked that high, it is a waste to have them up here helping on missions. We need the best of the best and the best can't be playing tech support." He said never looking up to meet Dream's eyes.

"But sir! It is suicide to be sending people who have never had a real mission and only gone out on patrol to potentially confront the Syndicate." Dream said, raising his voice as the anger built up. Some people with an A tier were younger than Sapnap. If they are lucky, they will be a sidekick. If not, it was suicidal.

"You are dismissed. The alarm at Pandora's vault was tripped. You are to head over the scene." Smajor said, looking at his one of three monitors and answering the phone now as the two didn't have his attention.

"But sir! What about Davidson? We can't just allow a citizen to be killed by a citizen. If you want their return to be hushed, then you can't allow them to kill him. He will be another statement to them."

"Davidson can handle himself."

"And if he can't?"

"Then he better figure it out."

Dream stood up letting his chair drag across the ground as he stormed out of the room into the hallway. Sapnap right on his heels to slam the door to Smajor's office. "We aren't going to Pandora's yet. There are no cameras down here. I owe someone a favor, and this is the perfect moment." Dream mumbled walking towards the door on the right labeled "Villain Records."

The room had storage shelves with every file, every note, and everything they have ever taken from a villain. Every villain who was in the vault even had their costume hung up in a glass case like a sports jersey. There was even a case for each Syndicate member and three shelves with their names on it. Sapnap shuddered at the case reserved for the Angel's wings.

All of the biggest villains were in the back. That would be where her file is. Dream walked straight to the back. He was mad and it was a terrible decision, but he wanted to get some satisfaction and if that meant pissing off the Platinum Rings he would do it. Dream stared at Flawless' costume. The purple that belonged to a woman that would rather be dead than rotting in prison.

Dream grabbed her sabers and attached them to his utility belt the Academy gave him. He grabbed the iconic purple gun and last of all, every file on her. He was going to repay the favor five years later. He looked through the nearest cabinet and grabbed every file that had the last name "Davidson" on it. He even grabbed every file on the Syndicate just to fuel his curiosity.

Dream walked over to the shelf that held Hellfire's gear. A vigilante who was out of control that Dream had to finish off. He grabbed Hellfire's special. It was some mix of highly flammable liquids that was guaranteed to burn down any building a drop of it was spilled on. Dream couldn't unscrew the lid to the glass bottle, so he smashed it on the floor. "Sap. I need to ignite that as soon as we get out of here. Can you do it?" Sapnap nodded excitedly. He knew what they were doing was wrong, but he trusts Dream despite all he has heard from Mr. Davidson and some of the other lower ranked heroes.

Dream clutched on to the files as he ran out of the room. He ran over to a big plant in the corner. He lifted the pot up enough for Sapnap to crawl into the hole hidden underneath it. He followed right behind him. The tunnel led to the sewers which Dream could navigate to their apartment. After a long walk through the sewers, Sapnap and Dream crawled out of a manhole on the sidewalk by their apartment. Sapnap stuck his head out first before letting Dream know it was okay.

Sapnap silently thanked god for the cover of the night as they had their suits on but not their masks. The two snuck into the apartment complex avoiding every camera they could. Dream ran into his room and placed the sabers and files down. He would examine them later. He needs to go to the prison. "Hit the showers, Sappy. I'll handle Pandora's. I don't want you going near that place unless we absolutely have to." Sapnap was exhausted so he didn't protest; he simply walked to the bathroom. Dream shifted his mask back to his face. 

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