The Minotaur

570 14 46

A/N: Hello party people don't forget to drink some water


"I cannot believe we've actually not been spotted this far into our mission," George remarked over the intercom, and Lockwood, albeit outwardly offended, secretly had to agree with him.

So far, everything was going suspiciously well.

He and Lucy had been able to make their way into the main building without any issue, and Mary, as far as he could judge, was doing a great job of guiding them along the twisting hallways, always keeping them out of the cameras' reach. To avoid those, they had to take a far longer route than would have been necessary without them, but Lockwood had never been one to be opposed to a nice stroll.

Back at the party, Webb and Foster were still trying to clean themselves up in the bathroom - whose exit was being watched like a hawk by Kipps - whilst George was keeping Barnes busy, using the caterer doorways to make him chase around the room after him.

"It's a good thing we haven't been," Lucy answered. "It won't matter whether or not we have the painting - if we get found out, DEPRAC will already be waiting right at home for us. We have to do this quietly."

Lockwood thought better of telling his girlfriend about the two bombs—one salt bomb and one massive flare—currently resting snugly inside his jacket pocket, ready to be used at any inconvenience major enough. Wouldn't really agree with her demand for stealth, he thought.

"I cannot believe that Lucy's sister is just having tea with a deaf guy right now," Kipps said. "Why is she not carrying any trays?"

"Because she is an actual DEPRAC employee," Mary corrected, voice clipped. "Mary, by the way. We've met. And I am not having tea with a deaf guy. I'm helping Richard watch the security cameras. The fact that he's deaf only means that he doesn't know I'm helping Lucy and Lockwood break in at the same time."

"They do put far too much trust in you," George laughed.

"Why wouldn't they? I'm a very trustworthy person. By the way, Lucy, Lockwood, move a little to your left for that next segment; the cameras don't catch the entire corridor. Also, did you reach the t-crossing yet? Where a hallway veers off to your left?"

"Yeah, we're here," Lockwood confirmed. "At least I think we are. Everything here looks the same; either black or white. It's as if they're more afraid of colour than ghosts."

"'Course they are," Lucy threw in, walking briskly beside him. "Could you imagine Barnes working someplace with lots of colours? He'd combust."

"Or the universe might," George joked, sounding slightly out of breath. "Even though his face does look particularly red right now - good God, talk to you later, he's picking up speed."

Mary could be heard cackling over her microphone. "Anyways, Lockwood, Lucy, according to the blueprint they've hung up here, there should have been a toilet just before your crossing - did you pass that?"

Lockwood looked back, still saw the outline of its sign some paces behind. "Yeah, we did. Its doors are black, of course."

"Great, then you're still on track. Take that left now and follow that hallway until the stairs at the very end of it. And don't step into the other corridors spreading off from it - most of those do have cameras pointed at them. Be careful with it."

"Copy that." Lockwood went to reach for Lucy's hand, as he always did, as he thought he might've been born to do, but when he looked down, he found that her fingers had already found his.

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