Chapter 15

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Hayes POV
When I woke up kenzie was still asleep I had my arm around her and i thought to myself how did I get the most beautiful talented smart and pretty girlfriend I could ask for💖 I grabbed my phone and took a picture of my adorable sleeping girlfriend and posted it on snapchat I got up went to the bathroom and then looked at the time 3:26am wow why am I up then I went back to bed and feel asleep cuddling with kenzie😘
Kenzie's POV
I woke up looked at the time 10:12 Hayes was gone and u heard everyone downstairs I got up went downstairs they were all on the couch i ran and jumped next to hayes and pecked his lips I went into the kitchen and asked if anybody wanted waffles they all said yes because I'm the only one who can cook. when the waffles were done I yelled "come get waffles"everyone ran in Hayes was still on the couch I went to him and asked "what are u doing r u hungry"
"Yeah but"
"But what"
And with that he pulled me upstairs to my room and kissed me I pulled away "why r u acting like this"
"Because shawnwontletmegooutwithyouanymore" he said super fast
"Shawn won't let me go out with you no more"
I ran downstairs and pulled dad outside
"Why what?"
"Why can't I go out with Hayes?"
"Because he's going to break you heart I know it"
"No he's not"
"Fine you can go out with him"
I ran upstairs to Hayes and I told him and we both kissed.💋👄💏
Hayes POV
I really love Kenzie i won't break her heart I love her but Shawn doesn't get that but Kenzie's cooking dinner I think we're having tacos but right now everybody well except Kenzie but everybody else is watching tv. "SUPPERS READY!" I heard Kenzie yell we all went in to the kitchen oh yeah and me Nash and Cam live here now with Shawn and Kenzie but when I get in the kitchen it smells so good she's a really good cook she knows what everybody wants she's just perfect
When we go eat it was AMAZING she is definitely the best cook but after me and Kenzie go on a walk we walk for about 4 hours and then she gets a text from Cameron
C-where are y'all?
K-we're walking back be there in 15
C-ok but hurry
*end text*
What did he say? He said we need to hurry. Me and Kenzie are on our way home and then it starts to thunder storm and we're in the the middle of the road walking home and then it starts to pore down rain so we started to run home and when we get there they all say "where we're y'all we were worried sick" we were just walking we didn't do anything then they grounded us for 2 days✖️ this makes me so mad and then Kenzie yells "WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG WE TOLD YALL WE WERE GOING OUT AND I EVEN TEXTED CAMERON SO THERE IS NO REASON FOR YOU TO GROUND US WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!!!!" Then she stomped to her room in anger and then slammed her door I ran to her room walked in and saw her crying i went to comfort her and then she fell asleep in my arms crying.✌🏻️💖✖️

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