Chapter 21

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Kenzie's pov
So I forgave dad,and today we're going on a trip and they won't tell me where but dad picked out my outfit and it wasn't bad it was a Paris shirt pink shorts my beats my sunglasses and my pink converse it was and amazing outfit and I just put my hair in a messy bun I walked downstairs and everyone was ready I had my beats plugged into my phone and had them around my neck I had my carry on bag and inside was. My charger and portable charger my glasses a blanket sunglasses my keys a phone case girls things a books Chapstick my MacBook my Camera and my journal I put a pink bow in my messy bun and we got in the car. When we arrived at the airport we had 30 min until we bored so we got lunch and sat for 10 min and used the bathroom we got on the plane and I had a window seat and Hayes sat next to me daddy was next to him I was so tired since it was 4:30 am and I'm not a morning person I got my blanket out put on my beats and played songs and fell asleep to Trap Queen "like hey was up hello" then I was out.
I woke up and someone was carrying me and I looked and it was Hayes I smiled and pretend to be asleep I didn't know where we were then I was laid down I woke up after that and Hayes was sharing a room with me so he was taking no a shower I got on my phone and looked at the time it was 1:00 am I had to pee so I banged on the door and he came out and I went in he was done he was just fixing his hair I got done looked in the mirror and the voice in my head said your an ugly piece of s*** you don't deserve him he deserves better! I walked out and put on sweatpants and a tank top that said magcon boys I took of my makeup and took out my hair bow I got in bed and said to Hayes "goodnight I love you"
"I love you too"he replied

A/N I know short but more chapters love you! Where is she at find out in the next chapter?!

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