Evevator activities

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Biden knew that trump was a whore for him. Biden then let go of trump, and he started unbuckling his belt. And took it off along  his pants.
¨Take your clothes off, slut.¨
Biden ordered, trump had no choice but too take off his clothes. Because he knew better than to not listen to the new president of America.
¨Y-yes master..¨
¨That's what I like to hear from you¨
They both started to take off their clothes, and thats when they both stared down at each others dicks.
Trump's thoughts:
¨It's so big..¨ (it's actually 2.1 inches when erect but Trump thinks it's big because his is small compared to bidens because I leaked his nudes on my twitter)
¨what's he gonna do to me..¨
And then trump gets hard. Biden grabs trump and starts kissing him while stroking his dick lightly.
¨Get on your knees baby.¨ Biden says in a stern tone.
¨Yes master¨
Trump gets on his knees and Bidens 2.1 inch cock stands above his head.
¨suck it.¨ Biden comands
Trump starts sucking his dick, and he's like, the type of guy that would use his hands and jerk him off while sucking it too, Donald Trump continued to suck him off until he came. Biden pushed his head lower so he can take it all in. He also pulled his hair while doing it, it really turned Trump on, but he didn't want to say it because he wants to seem like a dominant ex president,. but he failed miserably, and Biden knew, that he was a submissive gal. Meanwhile, Trump was sucking bidens bubblegum pink, uncut, tip (Bidens dick was moldy as well because he didnt clean under his forskin, but Trump LOVED how unhygienic he was.)  And then he came his THICK, CREAMY, load in trumps throat.
¨AUGHHH AUUUU AUU AAA¨ Biden moaned out as he was cumming deep in Trumps throat.
Trump swallowed Bidens thick salty cum, and as Trump stood back up Biden grabbed his waist, bent him over on one of those elevator rail things you see in the elevators.
"It's master to you now, kitten."
"M-m-master...b-b-be gentle with me.."
"Whatever daddy wants...daddy gets...😈"
Biden took his cock and slowly shoved it into trumps ass, as he gently thriusted into Trump, Trump wimpered softly, and Biden just couldnt contain himself any longer, as he could feel the beats coming in him, something came over him, he has never felt so horny for another man before. Before he knew it, his inner alpha took over and he started thrusting in and out of trumps asshole vigorously.
Trump let out screams of pleasure, tears ran down his face because of how hard biden was going..he couldnt help but start jerking himself off while biden was fucking the shit out of him (literally, like he actually shit on his dick.)
Biden: "Mmmm.."
Seeing Trump shitting on Bidens dick made him wanna do the unthinkable..he wanted to likc it off, taste him, something came over him...and he actually did it. While thrusting into him he stuck his finger in the shit and sucked it.
"Ngh d-donald..darling you taste..delectable.."
Bidens hands, going up from Donalds waist to his man boobs made Donalds legs go weak again, Biden cupped Trumps breasts and played his his g cups, making trump tilt his head back and roll his eyes to the back of his head.
Biden, who was standing straight, was now bent over trump, and growiling and breathing heaviley into his ears...and watching Trump pleasure himself while his ass was slowly ripping from the sheer width of Bidens 2.1 MONSTER.
By now, both their bodies were dripping with sweat and they smell like a public school bathroom, they just couldnt take it anymore and came at the same time.
"AHHHHHH MASTERRRR" Trump let out a loud scream as biden shoved his dick as deep as he could into donalds tight, orange asshole and flooded it with his thick cum. Bidens cum mixed with trumps shit and blood, creating a thick smoothie-like substance which in Bidens eyes, looked DELECTABLE.
As for trump who also came at the same time as biden, he came a little more then biden. Trumps cum shot up to his stomach, and he felt a sense of embarrassment since he was somewhat covered in his cum.
They were both so tired and after all that they fell to the elevator floors and slept in their cum and trumps shit.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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