Whiskey Peak!

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It had been a few days since Luffy and the crew had left the Twin Capes and began their journey to the first island on the Grand Line. They were currently sailing through calm waters while snowflakes rain from above. Luffy was sitting on the throne in the cold, drinking whiskey while Ryuma was there along with luffy as Zoro was off to the right sleeping in the cold. Nami and Nojiko couldn't take the cold so, the two of them were bundled up in winter clothes and staying the kitchen where it was warmer with the two people who Luffy allowed to travel with them to Whiskey Peak. Usopp and Johnny were on the main deck building snowmen while Sanji and Yosaku were shoveling snow off of the ship. Luffy looked down at Usopp and Johnny who went from building snowmen to having a snowball fight. Luffy sighed before he got an idea and smirked.

"Hey, Usopp! Johnny!" he called out getting their attention. "If the two of you are going to goof off at least train while you do it," he said causing them to look at him with a puzzled look on their faces.

"What do you mean, big bro Luffy?" Johnny asked while looking up at Luffy.

"I mean have your little snowball fight while blindfolded," he said before taking a sip of his drink. "It will help train your observation haki," he said causing the two of them to smile before running into the kitchen and grabbing their blindfolds before coming back out and continuing their snowball fight. Luffy then took another sip of his drink and looked up to the sky. As he looked up lightning flashed above and thunder boomed overhead. It was loud enough to make everyone pause what they were doing and look at Luffy.

"Don't look at me, that was nature," he said causing them to go back to what they were doing. Luffy then noticed the wind was picking up and once calm snow shower turned into a blizzard. He sighed and reached into his coat and pulled out a square locket that was gold in color and attached to a golden chain that was connected to the inside of his coat. He used his thumb to flip open the locket and took a look inside. Inside of the locket was divided into two parts. Both halves had a log pose in it but, it was two different looking log poses. The upper half had a single log pose similar to the one Nami bought in Louge Town, while the bottom half had three log poses grouped together.

 The upper half had a single log pose similar to the one Nami bought in Louge Town, while the bottom half had three log poses grouped together

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 Luffy looked at the upper part of the compass and growled.

"Something wrong, Captain?" Ryuma asked from next to Luffy. Luffy closed the locked before and placed it back in his coat before he replied to Ryuma.

"It would appear as though my navigator is useless," he said before walking to the head of the upper deck and yelled out to the crew. "ALRIGHT LISTEN UP!" he yelled getting everyone's attention. "STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND TURN THIS SHIP AROUND!" he yelled out confusing all of them. Nami and Nojiko head what he said and came out of the kitchen to see why they needed to turn around.

"Luffy," Nami said getting his attention. "Why do we need to turn around?" she asked. Luffy looked at her with an emotionless look on his face before he replied.

"Well Ms. Navigator, if you were doing your job you would have noticed we are going in the opposite direction," Luffy said calmly causing all of their eyes to widen. "Now if all of you are done being surprised I would highly suggest all of you...TURN THIS FUCKING SHIP AROUND!" Luffy yelled letting his temper show a bit before he went and sat on his throne and pour himself a full glass of whiskey before he chugged it all it down. Luffy looked down and watch everyone panicking and scrambling about as the weather began to change again. Sanji and Nojiko were manning the rudder, Johnny and Yosaku were tieing up the sails, Usopp was running around fixing damages while Nami was calling out orders. Luffy had thought about going down there and helping Nami, but he decided otherwise because he wanted her to get the experience. It was then Luffy realized that his second mate was nowhere to be seen among the chaos. He looked over the last place he saw Zoro and saw the swordsman was off to his right sleeping causing Luffy's eyebrow to twitch in annoyance.

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