Angels and God!

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Luffy and Ryuma were the first to leap from the ship to go explore the island of clouds. As they landed on the shallow sea of clouds the rest of his crew also leaped from the ship and followed him. Usopp and Chopper began playing in the shallow water like-cloud while everyone else began making their way to shore. As Luffy's and Ryuma feet touched the shores of the beach he froze along with Zoro, Sanji, and Nojiko. It was this feeling washed over the five of them causing them to stop in their tracks.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Nami asked as she and the rest of the crew stopped when the four of them stopped. Before Sanji, Zoro, or Nojiko to respond to Nami, Luffy spoke up.

"Nothing just surprised at how big this Sky Island is," he said in a calm tone before shooting a look at the other four causing them to nod their head slightly in understanding. "The Sky Islands I have seen are much smaller compared to this," he added as he turned his attention back to his crew.

"Yeah, this place is something to behold," Nojiko said as she walked up and stood next to Luffy.

"Well, what are we just standing around here for?" Usopp suddenly said with a large smile on his face. "Let the relaxation begin!" he yelled as he pumped his fist in the air before he took off running onto the beach with Chopper and everyone else except the five who sensed something earlier. The five who stayed behind looked at each other and didn't say anything aloud but were all thinking the same thing.

'Someone is using haki to watch us,' was the common thought among the four.

"Stay on your toes," Luffy said cryptically to the three causing them to nod. "And watch out for one another," he said while staring at the other five members of his crew. The five of them nodded their heads understanding the message that Luffy sending. The five of them then way to join the rest of the crew. As they were walking, they heard a strange bird call over their heads. When they looked up, they saw the South bird they caught on Jaya fly over their head while shooting them a dirty look.

"I wonder how he got free?" Sanji wondered aloud as he lit a cigarette.

"Who cares," Zoro said as he resumed walking. "We don't need him anymore," he added. The rest of them just shrugged their shoulders before continuing their way. When they arrived at the spot on the beach where the rest of the crew were, they saw Usopp building a sandcastle in the clouds while Chopper was rolling around on the ground taking in the softness of the clouds. Robin was laying against a palm tree reading a book while Nami, who took her shirt off in favor of a bikini top instead, was laying on a chair made of clouds in a nearby cabana. As they arrived Sanji took off in the direction of some flowers he saw growing by the beach, Luffy went and leaned against the same palm tree that Robin was leaning against and pulled his straw hat over his eyes, Nojiko followed her sister and also took her shirt off revealing a blue bikini top before making her way to the cabana to be with he sister, while Zoro, on the other hand, decided to go investigate something he saw on the beach and Ryuma had got himself another cloud chair and started relaxing there as well. He bent down and picked up something fluffy that was on the beach.

"What's this?" he asked he pick up the object. As he held it up to inspect it, the object started to move, startling him. He quickly released the creature causing it to fall onto the ground. The creature landed on all fours before looking back up at Zoro. Upon careful inspection, Zoro could see that the creature was a little white fox, but at the same time, it wasn't like any fox Zoro had ever seen before. "Huh, what do we have here, some kind of fox?" Zoro asked as he stooped down to inspect the creature. Just as he was inspecting it the beautiful sounds music filled the air getting everyone's attention.

"Huh? Is that music?" Luffy asked as he raised his hat from his face.

"Look!" Zoro said while pointing off in the distance of the beach. "There is someone over there on that cloud," he said causing everyone to look down the beach where he was pointing. When they looked, they saw a figure standing on top a tall could looking out to the White-White Sea.

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