Its A Yes

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It had been exactly two years since Ava and Connor had first started dating, their two year anniversary was today, and they both had pretty big presents in mind for each other. Oddly enough, Connor had kept his distance today, and when he did talk to Ava, he was very spacey, which concerned her. She had a lot on her plate, both physically and mentally, and this whole thing with Connor wasn't helping much. So, when she finally had him alone again, she pulled him to the side and into an empty room, she closed the door and looked at him. "What's going on with you Connor?? Tell me, what is it, I am dying to know!" She said. "You've been so spacey with me today and it's concerning, especially on our anniversary!"

"Avey, it's nothing I promise... I just, lost a patient this morning, that's all..." A lie, but for a good reason. She fell quiet, her eyes dropping to the floor.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." She said, feeling guilty for accusing him. He shrugged.

"It's okay, it happens..." He gave a small smile, enough to convince her what he was telling her was true. "I have to go.. Maggie needs me in the ED.." He kissed her on the cheek and then left. Instead of going to meet Maggie in the ED, he met her on the roof of the building to set up his surprise for Ava. Since it was getting dark outside, they set up a walk way, illuminated by candlelight, rose petals lining the center. The lights from the city below added an extra pop to the scene, after Connor went and changed into his suit, the surprise was ready.

Maggie went to the cardiothorcic floor, and found Ava at the desk signing paperwork for a soon to he released patient. "Ava can I barrow you for a second?" Maggie asked, not giving her time to answer before she snatched up Ava's arm and pulled her toward the elevator.

"Maggie where on earth are you taking me??" She questioned, pulling her arm against Maggie's hand, but the grip was too firm.

"You'll see..." Soon, the elevator opened to the roof top. Ava saw the petals, the illuminated walkway, and Connor at the end in his suit. Puzzled, Ava walked forward to meet her boyfriend at the end.

"What is all of this...?" She asked curiously. Without speaking a word, he dropped down to one knee and held out a ring, a beautiful, diamond engagement ring. Ava gasped and covered her mouth, tears welling in her eyes. She was freezing up here, but she didn't care, it was as though the warmth from all the tiny candles was enough to warm her completely.

"Avey.. since that one evening when we just so happened to meet each other outside this very hospital for the first time ever, I knew from that point there was something very special about you. Something different, you stood out to me, in a good way. You had this sparkle in your eyes that I thought was the cutest thing ever, your little smile, the way you light up a room when you get happy.. everything that makes you special to me.. Ava, you make my world brighter, my days better, and you give me a reason to want to come to work every day. You've given me more than what I could ask for, you are everything I've wanted in a partner and more.. I want us, together forever.. Ava Bekker... will you marry me..?"

She felt as though her throat had seized up on her, words just wouldn't come.. she started bawling, leaning forward and covering her face with her hands, she stood up, the biggest smile on her face. "Yes! Yes! I will marry you!!" He stood up and put the gorgeous piece of jewelry on her finger, she hugged his neck and they shared a kiss.

"What did you get me...?" He asked innocently. She smirked and kissed his nose.

"You're cute.. but not right now.." She said, giving him a proper kiss. "I've gotta go meet Natalie for something, come with me....? "She asked, offering him her hand.

"Gladly.." he smiled and accepted her hand, they went back downstairs together and Ava went to meet up with Natalie, who was helping her set up her surprise for Connor. Ava found Natalie and they went to the nearest treatment room together and closed the curtain. After a few minutes of making sure everything was ready, Natalie went and got Connor. She walked up to him and handed him a blindfold.

"Put this on and come with me." He held it.

"Do I not get an explanation as to what's going on...?"

"Nope, now put it on Rhodes!" He did as he was told, he knew from experience that Natalie was not one to be taken lightly. She grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the treatment room where Ava was, laid on a bed. She turned on an ultrasound machine and handed Connor the wand and gel.

"What is this...?" He asked. "Is this an ultrasound wand...?"

"Astute observation, now, put the gel on..." she said, tapping his right hand which had the gel in it.

"Why am I doing this Natalie, answer me that?" She groaned to his question.

"Because, everyone needs practice, and I want you to know how to do it frontwards, backwards, sideways, upside down and blindfolded. Now get on with it!"

"Geez okay..." He reached his hand out and felt her belly, putting the gel in its respective place, then putting the wand down and moving it around, soon the heartbeat filled the room. "How far along is the patient in her pregnancy Nat?"

"About 3 months.." she said, she was videoing the moment for Ava.

"The heartbeat sounds healthy.." he said, questioning himself, and still confused by the entire situation.

"Good, now, take off the blindfold and read the vitals.." she said

When he lifted the blindfold, he saw Ava. He looked between where the wand was positioned on her belly, and the baby on the monitor. "Ava...." He said slowly.

"Yes honey... I'm pregnant!" He immediately started crying, hugging her tightly and crying into her shoulder. Her hand went into his hair and she played with it, knowing it helped him calm down.

"We're having a baby!" He said through sobs. She laughed and rubbed his back.

"Yes we are..."

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