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𝐓𝐎𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐈𝐒 the day. The exhilarating first day of high school! Well, that's what a psycho would think. Let the author rephrase that: "The scary first day of high school."

With shaky legs, you stood in front of Kimetsu Academy with an intimidated expression plastered upon your face. The large school building made it look like a prison with a tall gate surrounding it adding to the scary picture. On top of that, the Academy was well known for its prestigious academics and students. How did you get into this Academy? That's a question that you could not answer, for it was just luck that got you into this school.

Besides the cons, a big pro is that Muichiro Tokito (your longterm crush,) is attending the same Academy as you! You squealed at the thought, holding your face as you dreamily pictured his face.

You clutched the strap of your book bag, taking a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself. Finally stepping foot into the school, you already regretted it as you pushed open the glass doors to find a swarm of students scattered everywhere in the school, making it impossible for you to find your shoe locker.

You shuddered at the thought of you having to talk to someone to help you find your shoe locker. Social anxiety always gets the best of you. Anytime you talk to someone, it always ends up with no words coming out from your mouth, or you stuttering. It is clearly embarrassing.

You felt a light tap on your shoulder, startling you a bit. You turned around to find a girl (that seemed to be in the same grade as you) looking at you with her sakura pink eyes. She looked really pretty, with her black hair that faded into orange and a pink bow to help keep her hair out of her face. It suited her well.

"Uh, hi?" you greeted her with a slight wave. The girl returned the smile, waving back.

"Hi! Are you lost? You seemed to be deep in your thoughts," she said, putting a finger on her chin, showing that she was a tad bit worried for you, despite you being a stranger to her.

Waving you hands in front of you and bead of sweat dripping down your forehead, you replied, "Oh, I'm totally fine! I-I just need some help finding my shoe locker."

The girl grabbed your hand, causing you grow a pink tint across you cheeks, due to you not being used to her sudden touch. "What a coincidence! I'm also looking for my shoe locker. Let's go find it together!" she suggested and started to drag you along with her.

Over the next ten minutes, the two of you spent time looking for each others shoe lockers. And with luck, the two of you found each others shoe lockers, with it being only one door down from each other.

"Oh, how rude of me! I forgot to introduce myself!" the girl chuckled, scratching her chin. "I'm Kamado Nezuko, a first year like you!"

You smiled, seeming to be comforted by her nice and bubbly personality. "I'm L/n Y/n. Nice to meet you!"

Slipping on your indoor shoes, a patch of mint-blue could be seen in the corner of your eye. You looked to your side to find Tokito Muichiro putting on his indoor shoes as well, his locker being across from yours and Nezuko's. You smiled, walking up to the boy.

"Good morning, Tokito!" you greeted him with a smile. Muichiro turned to you with a dull face, completely uninterested by your presence. He then walked away from you without saying anything, as you looked at his figure with a smile on your face. Nezuko walked up to you, looking at Muichiro's walking figure as well.

"Who's that?" she questioned.

You blushed, thinking of what to call Muichiro. "H-He's, uh, my crush..."

"He seems to be uninterested in you because of the way he acted around you." Nezuko said, frowning.

"That's just what he wants you to think! Deep down inside, I think he really likes me." you spoke, puffing out your chest boastfully.

I don't think that's the case. Nezuko thought as a bead of sweat rolled down her forehead.

On the way to check which classroom your in, Nezuko and you talked about your middle schools and your lives at home. Apparently, Nezuko has five siblings, one older, and the rest are younger. Additionally, the Kamado Family has their own bakery a few minutes away, which was a score for you because you could get breakfast there.

Finally making it to the board where you could find your classroom, you scanned each row to find that you were in class 4-A. You looked towards Nezuko, who was also looking at the board to find her classroom.

"What class do you have?" you asked her, walking to Nezuko.

"I got class 4-B! What about you?" Nezuko responded in a cheerful way.

"Aw man, I have 4-A. Oh well, I could see you around lunch anyways."

Nezuko nodded, then checking her watch. "Oh my! We have to go now! Class is gonna start, cya!" And with that, Nezuko waved goodbye to you while running to arrive at her classroom.

Wait, our classes are right next to each other... you thought.

Welp, this is going to be an interesting year for you.

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ; 𝘵. 𝘮𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰Where stories live. Discover now