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𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘, 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 hours and hours of waiting, finding something to keep yourself busy (besides texting in secret), it was finally lunch time

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𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐘, 𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 hours and hours of waiting, finding something to keep yourself busy (besides texting in secret), it was finally lunch time.

Like how everything in described during high school lunch time, it's like a war zone. "Every man for themselves" they say. Just as described, you have to be the first to find a comfortable spot to eat your lunch, otherwise you'll have to eat somewhere really gross in an unhealthy environment. Luckily, your spot has been already saved by Yuichiro. 

Reaching the school garden, you pushed open the two glass doors that lead you into the garden. As you walked in, you were greeted by the fresh, good scented smell of the all the flowers that have been nicely tended to. 

All around the garden are different species of plants and flowers. Even little critters roamed the dirt floors. With a dash of tranquil atmosphere, you felt as if you were the main character in your own moment. 

"Y/n, over here!" a voice called out to you

Turning your heel around, you found yourself looking at Yuichiro sitting on a picnic blanket on top of the green grass.

"What's with the picnic blanket?" you asked him as you sat down on the checkered blanket.

"The grass gets me itchy, so I put a picnic blanket so I won't keep scratching my butt and legs for the rest of the day." Yuichiro answered and opened his bento box. 

You chuckled to yourself, amused by Yuichiro's way of being comfortable. You opened your bento box as well, sniffing in the delicious meal that you have prepared for yourself because your mommy or daddy doesn't care about you. Picking up your chopsticks, you stabbed a sausage octopus and held it up to Yuichiro's mouth.

"Say ahh," you told him.

Yuichiro opened his mouth, eating the sausage octopus that you have given to him. You watched as his eyes widened and hold his cheek in delight.

"It's so good!" he squealed with a closed eyed smile. You laughed at his reaction and continued to eat your lunch.

While eating, you and Yuichiro talked about your classes and gossiping on the latest drama that has happened in school, throwing in a few rumors that you two have heard here and there.

"Oh! I heard that Zenitsu once went to the Kamado's house one night to serenade Nezuko." you told Yuichiro.

"Omg! I heard that one to," Yuichiro respond.

The two of you continued to talk, seeming to be comfortable in each others presence. Suddenly, a voice interrupted your conversation.

"What is going on here?"

You and Yuichiro looked up to the voice, only to see Muichiro.

"Oh, hi Muichiro!" you greeted him with a smile. In the corner of your eye, you could see that Yuichiro had a sly smirk plastered on his face.

"We're on a lunch date!" Yuichiro stated, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You blushed in response, caught off guard.

"I thought this was just a friendly lunch!" you whispered to Yuichiro, an irk mark growing on your forehead. 

"Relax," Yuichiro whispered back, "I'm just trying to get my brother jealous to see what he would do." 

You oh-ed, now realizing what Yuichiro was doing.

"Y-Yeah! We're on a date!"

Muichiro scrunched his nose and grabbed yanked Yuichiro's arm off your shoulder.

"Stop touching Y/n. She looks uncomfortable." he mumbled and looked away from your stare.

Yuichiro laughed and Muichiro's sudden outburst.

"I never would've guessed you would act like that!" he wheezed, "You're really funny when you're mad!" 

A red blush of embarrassment crept up on Muichiro's face.

"Leave." Muichiro hissed

"What?" you asked again, dumbfounded by his command.

"Leave I said!" he yelled at you.

You felt your heart crack a bit, thought you ignored the feeling, as you were used to it.

"R-Right... I'll leave. Thank you for having me Yuichiro." you whispered and stood up, taking your bento box and walking away.

"Y/n wait!" Yuichiro called out. You ignored him, walking back into the building. "Muichiro, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Yuichiro yelled at his twin brother.

Muichiro clenched his fists, "Because I don't like it how Y/n is close to you! I don't like it how you two are comfortable and flirting with each other! Y/n is supposed to like me!"

Yuichiro stared at his brother dismay, sighing in response. "You are jealous, aren't you?"

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ; 𝘵. 𝘮𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰Where stories live. Discover now