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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐄𝐓 another morning

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𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐄𝐓 another morning. The dazzling, yellow sun appears sparkling as it slowly comes up from behind the mountains; the sunlight was warm, but not to warm, making the cool breeze sway within the morning whilst the dew drops lingered upon the leaves and flowers, waiting to be vaporized by the sun that was yet to warm up the cold morning. 

The birds tweet as they freely flap and shake their damp wings, waking up other little critters nearby as well as people who live close to them. The quiet ambiance of the morning was nothing like the other times of the day, making it a peaceful time to do anything (if you can wake up on time.) 

A tired sigh escapes your pink-tinted lips as you lazily trudged on to the Kamado Family bakery to: One, pick up Nezuko for school and Two, get a breakfast since you don't eat the boring food thats provided for you in your abode.

Today was a rough morning for you. You were rudely woken up by your guardian, you realized you still had a few pages of homework to do, you were rushed to get ready for school, and you also forgot your cutely packed bento that had all the delicious delicacies that you looked forward to eating for lunch. 

Finally reaching the Kamado Family Bakery, you pushed open the door and heard the shopkeepers bell ring, notifying that Family that a customer had just entered their humble establishment. While walking in the bakery, you nostrils were greeted by different delicious smells of the pastries that were freshly baked in the morning.  You then walked up to the counter, waiting for someone to come and service you.

"Hold on Rokuta, let me serve this customer real quick," a kind voice said. Coming out to the counter, you examined the features of the person. 

He had burgundy hair with black tips, maroon eyes, and a unique scar that sat on the right corner of his forehead; he looked like a kind boy. A warm smile spread across his face as he held the cash register. 

"Good morning, miss! What will it be for you today?" he questioned, taking his eyes to the register now. 

"U-Uh, I'll get a strawberry chocolate croissant please," you replied.

As the boy took down your order, you heard the shopkeepers bell ring, startling you a bit. You turned around to see Muichiro Tokito and... another Muichiro Tokito? You felt your face get hot as you watched the pair walk towards the counter. 

"Good morning, Tokito..." you mumbled out, good enough for the two of them to hear. One waved, while the other shot you a glare.

Before the boy (who was getting your croissant and gave it to you) was about to leave, but you stopped him.

"Wait a second!" you called out, reaching out your hand. The boy turned around with a confused look on his face. "Do you know by chance if Kamado Nezuko is home? I was supposed to walk to school with her today."

"Oh yeah, she is home! I'm her older brother, Kamado Tanjiro. Nice to meet you," the boy (now known as Tanjiro) said, turning around to call for his younger sister. "She'll be here in five minutes."

You nodded your head. 

"Oi, get out of the way. We need to order our food." an annoyed voice hissed behind you. You whipped around, completely forgetting that somebody was there, trembling to the death glares of the one of the Muichiro's.

"S-Sorry Tokito!" you managed the jumble out and moved out of the way.

"Muichiro, be nicer." the other Muichiro said.

"You're one to talk." (Muichiro?) shot back. A big irk mark formed on Muichiro 2's face as he hit his brother on the head. "Ow!" Muichiro 1 winced. 

You sweat-dropped at the duos relationship, tho was a bit confused due to you not knowing which Muichiro was the other. 

"Sorry about my brother. He's never been mean around people like this, I've usually been the one who's mean." Muichiro 2 apologized. 

You waved your hands in front of you with a sweat-drop. "Oh no, it's totally okay! I'm used to it now..." you said, mumbling the last part.

"Y'know what? I like you!" Muichiro 2 cheered and roughly wrapped his arm around your shoulder, making you blush. You could've sworn you saw Muichiro 1 glaring daggers at Muichiro 2 though. "I'm Yuichiro! Muichiro's twin brother. Nice to meet ya!"

"L/n Y/n..." you whispered out. 

"Here, how about you call me and my brother by our first names? It'll be easier for you to call out for us now!" Yuichiro grinned.

That'll be a problem, because I can't even tell who is who- you thought. You awkwardly chuckle as you heard Nezuko call out your name. 

"Good morning L/n!" Nezuko called out, running towards you. She looked at the Tokito twins with a puzzled look on her face.

"Who's the cheap knock off of Thing 1 and Thing 2?" Nezuko bluntly questioned. Earning a death glare from the twins. Nezuko squeaked in fear, hiding behind you. "L-Let's just head to school now." she mumbled.

Before you two could leave, you felt a hand grab your shoulder.

"Wait, what school do you go to L/n?" Yuichiro asked.

"Kimetsu Academy, why?" you responded.

"Oh, I'll see you at school then!" Yuichiro beamed with a toothy grin. You smiled back at him, then taking Nezuko's hand and leaving.

Meanwhile with the other Tokito twin, he felt a hint of something in his heart that didn't feel good. 

Why do I feel this way when I see that annoying girl around Onii-chan?

𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ; 𝘵. 𝘮𝘶𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘰Where stories live. Discover now