Chapter Two- So much more than this

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"So how was your day" Callie asks waiting as I stuffed my bag. "Same old, do you think it's possible to die from doing the exact same thing too many times?" "Silly, don't you remember today's Monday, Mickey's taking us shopping".

Oh I'd forgotten about that. A short while ago Mikayla had promised me that if I just stuck out till graduation year she'd make sure each Monday we'd do something special. So today that consists of driving to the nearest mall, a small shopping village an hour away. At least it's a break from the routine I guess.

" Please stop this torture, Mickey, Mikayla please". The sound of corny country music blared through the radio. My ears how they bleed. I swear I'm allergic to everything country but nothing is worse than the music. The same old tune over and over about how some mans dog died and the rains aren't coming and blah blah blah, who cares? After an hour and a half of torture we finally arrive at the shops, all twelve of them. "Isn't this great?", Mickey beams at me. "Sure" I mutter putting on a smile for her sake.
"Oh my gosh I just remembered, we can get dresses for the harvest ball!" Callie's screams pierced my ears.

"Come on" she drags me dramatically into the first store.

The harvest ball was just another of Appleports magnificent charades. Another delusion in which the "Populars" get a chance to show off their pure "beauty".  But the worst thing about it is everyone has to go, and that most people bring partners. As if attending this charade wasn't bad enough, I end up spending each one by myself watching my friends be happily whisked onto the dance floor. 

"Come on Addie I want to see what it looks like"

I'm currently standing in a cramped dressing room dressed in some way too pretty pink dress that is definitely not my style. Awkwardly I step out, trying to pull the dress down.
"Woah, you look different, but a good different. It looks so good on you".
I roll my eyes at Mickey, "No way"
"Yes way" Callie gushes.
Nope, nope, nope. My aim for today was to get a dress that kept me under the radar. But this dress was far from inconspicuous. Not only was it pink but it was also sparkly, seriously sparkly. Yet beyond this I had to admit it looked nice, different but yes nice and so I found myself sucked into to Callie's pleas and bought the dress.

After buying the dress I felt my day get instantly better. I had done something different something bold and it was exciting. But my happiness didn't last long.

"Hey Adeline", I cringed, "Buying a dress for the harvest ball hey? Pity no ones gonna ever take a loser like you". Whitney's cynical laughter was just about to drive me mad when Callie quickly grabbed my arm and hauled me out.

"What was that for? I was going to give them a piece of my mind!" I whined.
"Yeah and we all know how well that goes" Mikayla rolled her eyes at me.

"Some things are better left unsaid. You can't let them get to you Addie, all they want is a reaction, it's what drives them" Callie patted my arm, "Try to ignore them".

Why me though? Ever since I got here, it was always me they loathed. Always me they bullied. Why?
If only I could show them that I'm so much more than the girl with her head in the clouds. One day they'll see, that I'm not the strange, off the rails girls but in fact just someone who has bigger dreams than this place has to offer.

Driving home, I looked out the window at the endless fields and wondered what would life be like if I never came here.

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