Chapter Three - The Arrogant Hottish Jerk

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"Addie, Addie, ADDDDIIIIEEE, fine you're walking again"
I sat up and looked at my clock 8:45. WHAAT! How could have slept in this long. School starts in 15 mins. I quickly dragged my clothes on, trying to look half decent and rushed downstairs. By the time I got there Cole was long gone.
"Great just great," I mumbled to myself.
Looks like I'm running to school.

I burst into the class, "Sorry, sorry I'm late".
Miss Hill's raised an eyebrow,
"9:30. One of my best pupils half an hour late", she sighed, "Sit down".

I turned and walked to my seat, my face heating up as I felt the class' stares. Trying to compose myself, I quickly sat down.

"Class this term we shall be studying Shakespeare's play Macbeth.
The assessment task will be a in depth essay so I suggest you pay attention."

The class groaned, but in the back of my head I was secretly smiling. I love Shakespeare and essays, but then again English was my passion.

"Can anyone give me a brief overview of the play before we start?"

I quickly put my hand up, certain I was going to get picked. My English class was terrible, no one cared and no one tried. Not to mention Miss Hill loves me.

" Uhh, what about you, River isn't it?"

I spun my head around. There wasn't a River at my school. My eyes almost fell out of my head. In the middle of my English class sat the hottest guy I had ever seen, (although I would never admit it). When did he get here? And more importantly where did he come from?

"Ok well, Shakespeare's Macbeth explores the character development of the protagonist Macbeth. It is one of Shakespeare's famous tragedies." The guy said smugly, his accent clearly English.

"Well, well, Adeline looks like you may have some new competition". Miss Hill winked at me. I glared at the guy.

Who did this "River" think he was? I'm the best at English, this is my subject and if he thinks he can just waltz in here and.. Ugh! Scratch hot more like arrogant jerk. Maybe I'm over reacting, I mean I don't care much about school, but my writing was my ticket out of here. If I could pull off achieving excellent results in English, there's a much greater chance I'll be able to achieve a scholarship somewhere outside of Appleport. Without a scholarship there's no way I'll be able to afford college or travelling, so you can understand why this is kind of really important.

"I expect everyone to have read scene one by tomorrow class dismissed"

I trudged to the door, keeping my head down.

"Hey wait up"
I turned to see the arrogant jerk standing there.
"Adeline is it?"
"Yeah that's me" I replied bitterly

"Sorry I came across kinda rude before, I honestly didn't think", The arrogant hottish jerk apologised.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever it's fine."

Either he didn't see the eye roll or just ignored it, but River just wouldn't stop talking.

"Anyways, I kinda jut got here today and was wondering if you could help me find this class?"
I looked at the schedule he held,
"Chemistry, I've got that now too so just tag along I guess."

I trudged along followed by River.
" So where are you from?" I tried to fill the awkward silence.


My jaw dropped open, "London??
Why on earth would you come out all the way here then?"
London was one of my dream cities and if I ever had the opportunity to go there there would be no way I would ever return here.
He turned quiet and looked away, "It's not like I wanted to," he mumbled.

Whoops sensitive topic. I tried to quickly change the subject.
"So the weather's weird isn't it.?"
Mental face palm. Good job Adeline.
River made a questioning face at me.

"Anyways here's the Chemistry class.
We're working with our lab partners, Mr Ford will assign you someone. I've already got someone so I'll see you around later, maybe." I scurried off, mentally hoping to never have to talk to River again. But deep inside our conversation has started a spark of curiosity. I couldn't help wondering who River really was and why he would ever come to a lame, backward little town, miles away from real civilisation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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