Part 24

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"C'mon Alex dont give me the cold shoulder i was only kidding" Jesse said trying to cheer up Alex

"Fuck off..." Alex whispered still not looking at him

"Are you really upset at me or are you upset at the fact that i was right about Julian?"

Alex rolled his eyes and finally turned to look at Jesse but with his arms crossed

"You were always so feisty and thats what i liked about you" said Jesse smirking as he looked Alex up and down

Alex once again rolled his eyes and turn back to his old position.

Some time had passed and Jesse was still rattling on about random things that Alex was unintrested in.

"Alex?" Julian said as he walked up to their table

"Oh hey Julian..." Alex said unintrested as he glanced at him before going back to his head on hand and playing with his drink position

"Um... that drink is empty.."

"Oh right..." he said as he sat up straight "I was just about the get a new one"

"I can get you one if you want?" Julian offered a bit too excited

"So! Julian, whats up with the red stuff on your face? Ya know the red around your mouth? Looks like a bad case of herpes" Jesse said smirking as he put an arm around Alex bringing him closer

"Ha so funny" Julian said with sarcasm "Why dont you mind your own business?"

"Well then what is it?" Alex asked looking up at him hesitant for that answer

"Oh um... its just um... l-lipstick..." Julian said scratching the back of his neck looking nervous

"So you were getting some action huh?" Jesse said "I saw you with that hot chick at the bar, she your girlfriend? I mean... probably not since youre here almost every weekend with a different girl"

Alex just looked away in dissapointment still sitting down next to Jesse both of their bodies touching since Jesse still had his arm around Alex.

"Fuck off Jesse, are you spying on me or something?!"

"C'mon Julian you act like we all dont come to this bar. Its popular for a reason. Thats why me and Alex are here. Just enjoying the night. We were gonna go up to you but we saw that you were a bit... occupied"

"Thats it!" Julian said as he grabbed Jesse and dragged him outside through the back door of the bar to the alley 

"Julian!!" Alex yelled as he followed them outside

"Whats your issue with me huh?!" Yelled Julian as he pinned Jesse onto the alley wall grabbing him by the collar of his shirt 

"I have no problem with you! Whats your fucking deal bringing me me out here?!"

"You know what i mean" Julian said in a low growl. His eyes not looking away from Jesse's smug eyes.

Jesse knew what he was doing and Julian hated the fact that he gave into what he wanted.

"Julian stop!" Yelled Alex grabbing onto Julians shirt trying to seperate him from Jesse

"Oh you mean why did i bring Alex to this specific bar knowing damn well you have a different girl here every night? Dont act stupid and innocent now. Im not gonna let you lead him on, he had to see the real you. The real rockstar Julian" Jesse said smirking in Julians face

"I always wanted to do this" whispered Julian before he brought his fist up and punched Jesse across the face

"Ive been waiting for you to do that.." said Jesse as he launched onto Julian bringing all three of them down since Alex was next to Julian.

Enemys to lovers Julex( alex turner x julian casablancas) Where stories live. Discover now