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Lyra's POV:

Apparating just outside Gringotts is amazing as we avoided walking through the crowded alley. When entering Gringotts there is always an excitement because I loved speaking to Goblins and was even made 'Goblin Friend' , which I was told was the highest honor a wizard or a witch(in my case) could receive but the last who became a 'Goblin Friend'  was Merlin and the Hogwarts Founders themselves and no one had been bestowed the title since, until me. Many had tried but failed.

Going up to the Goblin teller, knowing that dad was following, I notice that it is the first Goblin I spoke to and found out that I could speak Gobbledegook, Griphook.

#Merry met Master Griphook. May your gold flow in abundance to your vaults.#

Griphook looks up and flashes me a set of fangs which resembled a smile.

#Merry met Heiress Snape. May your enemies fall to your blade. How may I assist you today?#

# I would like to meet our account manager to withdraw some money and request an inheritance test to be done#, I reply getting straight to the point knowing that Goblins hated beating around the bush.

# Right this way, Heiress Snape.# Griphook stood up leading us to the 'Prince-Snape' account manager, Grimlock, while another Goblin took his place at the teller.


Knocking on the door, that had a large 'Prince-Snape' written on it, Griphook pushes open the door and walks up to the Goblin that is seated and whispers something into his ear. Grimlock just nods his head and looks at us. Griphook turns and leaves the room to return to the teller after bearing his farewell to us.

"Greetings, please have have a seat," Grimlock says before turning to me and asking, "Could you please remove your glamour before we begin?" I give a nod in acknowledgement and close my eyes imagining my glamour fading away.

When I open my eyes, I see both my dad and Grimlock looking at me in amazement and I remember that dad never saw how I looked, only knowing what I had. Thinking I should see what had caused such amazement,  I transfigure the chair into a mirror. When I looked in the mirror, I saw an unknown girl. A girl around my age with stormy grey eyes that had hints of red flecks; long straight black hair with streaks of flaming red, royal blue, forest green and pastel yellow; black feather wings with an array of red, blue, green and yellow feathers; a pair of pitch black horns(think of Maleficent); an pair of pointed ears with multiple earrings changing colors from red to blue to green to yellow; and writing that seemed to be written in Unicorn blood all over her hands and back.

My hand reaches out to touch the girl in front of me, only to see her do the same; making me remember it Is a mirror so I am looking at myself. I looked back to dad and Grimlock. After a minute of them still staring, the clearing of my throat makes them snap out of their daze.

Dad looked at Grimlock,"May we please get the inheritance test done." Dad knew that many wixen treat the Goblins like trash but he always treats them with respect because others forget that the Goblins are actually more powerful as they have full control over all money in the Wizarding World.

Grimlock nods and takes out a sheet of blank parchment that has a red glow around it and a dagger that has an orange glow. "Why does the parchment glow red and the dagger glow orange?" I ask Grimlock very confused. Grimlock looks at me surprised but eventually explains, "It seems that you have mage sight. The parchment glows red because it uses blood magic and the dagger glows orange because it is a mix of blood magic which, as you know,  is red and healing magic which is yellow. The parchment takes your blood and writes out your entire inheritance while the dagger cuts only allowing seven/eleven drops of blood, depending on the test, and then heals the cut so it appears as though it was never there."

Grimlock allows me to process the information for a while before handing over the dagger and sliding the parchment towards me. I take the dagger and cut my palm but I get shocked to see my blood is silver, the color of a Unicorn's blood, and not red. This shocks Grimlock more than me and even dad's face turns deathly pale.

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