Chapter 18 ~ play date ~

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Phikhuam, Ian, Liam and Champ had spent a lovely afternoon playing on the beach and Phik' was glad he'd had the idea, it had given him the chance to get to know Champ a little more and Liam had gone into the cottage and made refreshments for everyone proving that he wasn't a pampered and useless celebrity.

They had romped in the surf, and sat on the sand chatting and learning about one another and over the course of the afternoon, Liam had applied sun screen to Champs back and shoulders telling him he should be careful as his skin wasn't used to the hot Thai sun which caused Ian to look at his friend questioningly but Champ just shrugged it off as nothing.

Phikhuam was concerned for Ian's skin too but because he was one handed he asked Champ to apply it for him and Champ was happy to oblige but Ian didn't trust him,

"Phik', tell me if he draws anything weird on my back" Ian said.

"don't you trust me?" Champ said laughing.

"hell no and I don't intend to spend the next few weeks walking around with a massive dick or a pair of bubbies on my back!" Ian laughed.

"bubbies, what the fuck are bubbies, who the hell talks like that?" Champ asked.

"boobies then" Ian said.

"even worse" Champ laughed getting him in a head lock.

"fuck Champ, get off you stupid ..."

"who's the boss?"

Ian was laughing too much to reply ...

"say I'm the boss"

"ha ha ha you are, you pillock" Ian said as he laughed.

Liam and Phikhuam were in stitches at their antics and verbal exchanges even though they couldn't understand what a lot of their yorkshire slang meant

For Liam and Phikhuam who lived a pretty regimental life with agents telling them what time to wake up, what to eat, what their daily schedule was and what they should wear on any given day, watching Ian and Champ having fun and being so at ease was like a breath of fresh air and what was even better was that they didn't treat them like celebrities, they treated them normally and didn't make any demands on them.

The afternoon passed quickly and when they went into Phikhuam's cottage they all had a shower before dinner which was an informal affair with everyone mucking in to make thai food. Phikhuam could only do a few things so Liam did most of it with Ian and Champ helping.

"so I guess I'm the boss then" Liam teased as everyone followed his orders.

"keep telling yourself that mate" Champ replied.

Finally, dinner was ready, crispy pork with chilli and basil.

"mmm this is good, it's almost as good as Mr Ts" Champ said shoveling the food as if he hadn't eaten for several days.

"Mr T?" Liam asked.

"mmm that's Kan's dad" Ian said.

"he cooks thai food?"

"yes, he is thai" Champ said.

"right and you call him Mr T?"

"mmm  me and Mr T, we're like that" he said crossing his fingers.

"he's not lying guys, Sheila's barbecues are the talk of the village and Champ here and Kan are always on barbecue duty but afterwards he and Mr T' always get up to mischief" Ian added smiling warmly.

"they sound like fun" Liam said.

"yeah, even more so now with Kiri and Lon, we have a blast when everyone is together" Champ replied.

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