CHAPTER 1-A train ride

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"When I met you for the first time, I thought you must have been very irritating and so annoying, but as our meetings increased and I got to know you, I realized that how stupid I was when I thought about you like that. The best thing I ever experienced in my life is your presence.", he said to her and then he came closer to her to kiss her.

She said in a loud voice, "A**hole, you d**k head.".

I woke up and yes, it all was a dream. My friends were trying to wake me up because it was my birthday that day. I woke up, looked at the clock and it was 8 in the morning. I told them, "Let me sleep, it's 8 o'clock.". But we all know how male friendships are. They brought a bucket filled with ice and poured it over me and said, "Are we morons who have come so far just to celebrate your birthday Vihan?".

I replied, "OK! OK! I am getting up. There's no need to emotional blackmail me.". I got up and took a bath and then me, Manish and Kabir went straight to metro station and while all this was happening, I was wondering about my dream and about my friends who didn't let me complete my dream. (Why does it always happen that when we are having a good dream, someone wakes us up? These people deserve hell.)

Before we go any further, let me introduce myself and my friends.

Manish- He is one of those people who always makes us laugh and is always at the forefront of bullshit but he is totally useless when it comes to talking to girls.

Kabir- He is the heartbroken boy of our group. Actually, a girl during our college days left him saying that I don't think it's working between us and we should break up....... Blah... blah... And our brother has still not been able to move on from that girl.

Vihan- It's me. A 26 year old man who's in search of his soulmate. I was a national badminton player in my childhood and now a successful trader by luck.

Back to our story. I, Manish and Kabir reached the metro station and we had planned to tour the whole of Delhi today. When we entered the train, it was completely full, there was no vacant seat. After 2-3 stations, the train became a little empty and then a girl boarded the train.

She was wearing a black kurta, light blue jeans and black sandals and she also had earrings in her ears. She was looking at her phone and I was looking at her. Suddenly a rough sound came from my behind which diverted my attention towards it. I turned back and I saw my friends fighting over an empty seat. I ignored it started looking at that girl again. She was looking at her phone and, in a few seconds, we reached our station which according to the moment should not have come. When I was getting down from the train, I saw her and coincidentally she also looked at me. We looked at each other and passed a slight smile to each other. Oh my god! How beautiful her dark brown eyes were.

After that me and my friends travelled to Delhi, visited many places and ate many tasty food items. While returning, I told them about that girl. Kabir said in sad voice, "Love is a lie buddy. I am telling you, trust me.". Me and Manish were very much annoyed listening to his heartbroken quotes from last 4 years.

"Oh, just shut up. At least for today please. It's Vihan's birthday.", Manish said. And after dropping them at their respective stations, I took another train to go back to my station. When I entered that train, I saw that same girl sitting there. At first, I was standing near her. When she noticed me, she asked me to sit next to her.

"I know you.", she said and I was completely shocked. Like how the fu*k she knows me. I replied confidentially, "So tell me something about me."

She said, "You are obsessed with my eyes, right?". Holy sh*t. How the hell she knows this?

"I mean yes. Your eyes are damn beautiful. I feel that they are like ocean because I am sinking in them since we had that eye contact in morning.", I said. Such a cheesy pickup line I used.

She laughed, "You're such a character." and after laughing she said, "By the way my name is Kaira."
"I am Vihan."
"So, how was your day?"
"It's my birthday today."
"Happy Birthday Vihan. I wish I was with you today.", she greeted me.
"Thank you Kaira and don't worry we'll celebrate my birthday some other day"

She gave me her phone and asked me to put my phone number in it and as I completed entering my phone number in it, she snatched her phone back and got off from the train saying , "Get ready." to me but why did she said so?

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