CHAPTER 11 - Long Distance

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After dropping Kaira at her apartment, when I was going back to my home, all the flashes were going through my head. All those moments, when we were together, promises we made to each other, our favourite place, the song which she sang for me....everything. I was preparing myself for each and every circumstance, so that we could be together in future.

While I was thinking about this, a phone call came. It was an unknown number. I picked up the call,
Vihan : Hello? Who's speaking?
Unknown : Come on Vihan. You know me very well.
Vihan : I really don't know who you are. Are you going to tell me? So that I can tell whether I know you or not.
Unknown : I am Siddharth. Remember me?
Vihan : Siddharth Gupta, right?
Siddharth : Yes-Yes. From your school.
Vihan : Oh! I remember. How are you?
Siddharth : I am fine. Actually I am here in Delhi, and I am not able to find a hotel. I had your number, so I decided to ask you for some help.
Vihan : Oh!
Siddharth : So can you help me? I am stuck here.
I looked at my watch and it was 9 pm.
Vihan : Okay. Send me your location. I am coming.
Siddharth : Sure. See you.

He texted me his location. I went there and he was standing there with his luggage.
"Hey man.", I said and greeted him with a handshake.
"Hi. Thanks for helping."
"No problem."

We put his luggage inside my car.
"So, what brings you here?", I asked him.
"I am here for some official work.", He replied.
"Oh!.... By the way, how's Vanya?"
Vanya was his girlfriend in school. He was in my class and Vanya was one class junior to us.
"She is amazing. You know her."
"Yes.... I can't believe that you are still together."
"Sometimes, I also couldn't believe it. I think, it was meant to be forever and that's why our relationship is still going and we are planning to get married."
"That's really great."
"Yes.... By the way, are you still single or do you have a girlfriend... or a wife?"
"I can't say it literally. Like, I don't know what's going on."
"Why? What's going on?"
"Leave it man. I'll tell you some other day."
"Tell me Vihan."
Kaira popped up in my mind. She also used to say 'Tell me Vihan'.
"Now let me speak."
"Okay. Go on."
"So there's a girl. We met recently. But in a short period of time, we made a lot of memories. I started to have feelings for her. I don't know whether she loves me or not but she used to say that she feels good around me. We became very good friends. I met her parents too. They also liked me. Almost two weeks ago I met her parents and since then things started to change. This Christmas Eve, we met and she was crying when she was leaving. It made me very tense but today I met her again. We spent very good time together but at the end of the day, she told me that she is leaving Delhi because of her job. She is going to Mussoorie, for 2 years and she'll be shifted from one place to another regularly. I don't know how to handle a long distance relationship or friendship, whatever you say. But I'll try my best. That's all I can do.", I was having tears in my eyes. I took a long breath, wiped my tears and smiled.
"That's sad."
"Yes. It is."
"Should I tell you something, to motivate you?"
"Yes. Go on."
"During our farewell party, me and Vanya decided that we'll be together always. I was going to Mumbai for my college. We agreed on our long distance relationship. After sometime, I started feeling lonely and disconnected. We used to text each other daily, video call also. But after 4-5 months, we used to meet. And that day meant everything to me that time. When we used to see each other after a long time, that feeling, that moment when she came running towards me and hugged me very tightly, was really amazing. After 4 years, when I came back, I realised, if you truly love someone, time, money, distance etc. doesn't matters. What matters is your loyalty, respect you give to each other, understanding between you, how much you care about your partner and the most important question, that you should ask yourself, 'Will you be able to love your partner for the rest of your life or not?'. Now think and decide Vihan."

I took a pause, thought about it and said,
"Thanks Siddharth."
"No problem Vihan."
"Okay. Enough for today."
"Yes. Let's change the vibe."
"So, when's you wedding?"

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