CHAPTER 5 - Reunion

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“What are you doing here Aisha?”, Kabir asked. She saw him, got up from the bench, went to him, hugged her and started crying.

“Where were you for the last 4 years? I tried to look for you everywhere but couldn’t find you anywhere.”, she said. Kabir wiped her tears and said, “Hey Aisha! Listen to me. I am here with you, standing in front of you, so, let’s go somewhere else and talk about it.” He looked at me and said, “Vihan, give me your car keys. I’ll bring it back in 10-15 minutes. I need to talk to Aisha.” I gave him the keys and he left with Aisha.

“Can either of you tell me what’s going on here?”, Kaira asked.

I started telling her the whole story.

Cut to, 5 years back. We were in third year of our college. Our third year of college was about to start from the very next day. I was sitting in my room, preparing to go to college, when I got a notification on my phone. It was Kabir’s message and a photograph was attached to it,

Kabir : Hey guys! Listen to me. Today I saw a very beautiful girl in our college. She is a new comer.
Kabir : (Aisha’s photograph)
Kabir : Look at her. She is damn cute.
Manish : Then go talk too her, otherwise some other boy will woo her and then you will come to us with your sad shit that ‘I should have talked to her earlier’.
Kabir : Nah Manish. What if I got rejected? My self esteem will be blown in pieces.
Vihan : Kabir, just relax. Leave it on me.
Kabir : Okay.

So being a good friend, next day I met Aisha in college. I told her everything that what Kabir feels about her. She said, “I don’t want anything more than friendship right now. If he’s willing to be my friend then it’s OK.”
“But why don’t you want to come in a relationship?”, I asked respectfully.
“Because I have just come to this college and I don’t even know this guy properly.”
“Oh! No problem. By the way, can I have your number, so that I can update you time-to-time.?”
“I hope this is not a trick to get my number.”
“If you don’t want to give your number, then it’s okay. I don’t have any problem.
“No-No. I was just kidding. Give me your phone.”

She entered her phone number in my phone and we went our respective ways. I went to Kabir and told him everything. “It’s OK. I think, she wants to know me before getting into a relationship.”, he said.

“Okay. So, I am fixing your date with Aisha on Saturday after college.”, I said. “And one more thing, treat her only like your friend, not like your girlfriend.” I gave him some dating tips. I haven’t been in a relationship yet but I still have a lot of knowledge regarding all these things. #LoveGuru

I texted her and fixed a date for them at The Magic Café and that’s how they met for the first time. In a short period of time, we all became very good friends. Even Manish did not hesitate to talk to her. But looking at Kabir and Aisha, it seemed that they are not only-friends. They used to talk everyday for 4-5 hours and they also used to meet each other privately. One day we all were playing ‘Face the truth’ and this was the only chance, Manish and I had, to find out, whether Kabir and Aisha are in a relationship or not. Game begins and after some turns, I finally got a chance. I asked Aisha, “Are you guys in a relationship with each other?”

Aisha got surprised and said, “I am not going to answer that question. Ask me something else.”
“Rules are rules, Aisha”, Manish interrupted.
“Yes. We are in a relationship for about 3 months.”, Aisha hesitatingly said.
“Why didn’t you guys tell us?”, I asked.
“Because we wanted to keep it private, Vihan. And because now you both know about our relationship, do not tell about this to anyone.”, Kabir said.

Manish and I agreed with Kabir’s statement and continued our game.

We all created so much memories in our college days. Some good, some bad. One day, Kabir came to my room and he was looking very depressed. Manish asked, “What happened? Did you again have a fight with Aisha?”
“No”, he replied. “Then what happened?”, Manish asked once again.
“Aisha said that it wasn’t working between us and she wanted to break up with me.”
“Wait! What?”, I reacted.
“Yes, Vihan and from now onwards, no one will talk about Aisha. Can you guys leave me alone for some time?”

We got out of the room quietly without saying a word further. I messaged Aisha but she didn’t reply back. Later I came to know that she left our college and she wasn’t having her old mobile number. Since then, we guys haven’t spoken a single word regarding Aisha in front of Kabir.

Back to the present day,
“Oh! That’s so sad.”, Kaira said.
“Yeah it is but we cannot do anything about it.”, I replied. “And how do you know Aisha?”
“She’s works in my office and when I met her, I came to know that she also lives in my apartment.”, she replied.

Then suddenly I got a notification on my phone,
Kabir : Hey Vihan! Can you take a cab for today please? I’ll come at your place along with your car tomorrow.
Vihan : But you said that, you will come back within 15 minutes.
Kabir : Please try to understand Vihan.
Vihan : Okay. Fine.

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