(Y/n): The Beach Guardian

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Ai stretched as she let the fresh breeze of salty air fill her nostrils, it smelt great.

"You know, it's been so long since I've gone to the beach!"

She said as she took a few steps forward, her bikini allowed her skin to get hit by the rays of the sun, which made her feel all warm.

(Y/n) nodded at his girlfriend as he laid down a couple of towels, his gaze turning to his two children, who were busy trying to digging a hole in the sand, a couple of meters from Ai.

"Well, I thought this would be a nice trip for the kid's fourth birthday, and it seems like they're having fun. Besides, its a nice break from Tokyo's urban environment."

Ai's gaze than also turned to the twins, and watched as Ruby crouched down in the sand, her head poking out from the top.

"Yeah, I wasn't sure if Aqua would like it though, he never really likes playing around outside, guess he got that from you."

"Wha- Hey! I remember playing outside lots with you!"

"Really, what about when we hit middle school, you never wanted to go to the park after that."

"Because I was studying."

Ai rolled her eyes and moved to sit next to (Y/n), who kept his eyes on the two kids, but turned to Ai as she hummed to herself.

"My bad, I forgot that you're a workaholic."

"I am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm no-"

"I am the Sand Guardian! Guardian of the Sand!"

"Poseidon quivers before her!"

The two adults turned their heads to the two children, which, in the amount of time they had been "arguing", the two managed to cover Ruby up to her neck in sand as she looked towards the waves, which were just now coming in.

"Frick off!"

The two adults just stared at the two in disbelief as Aqua chuckled at his sister, who had a look of pride on her face.

"You look like an idiot."

"I don't care, I'm protecting the sand!"

Another wave started to come in, both children noticed, though this one was a bit bigger than the last, and was also coming in faster.

(Y/n) knew what was going to happen, long before it did, sighing, he picked himself up and began to make his way towards his two children.

"I'll be right back."


Ruby held a smirk on her face as she stared at the approaching wave, all while Aqua watched from as the wave came in, a few feet from her, as the wave got closer, Ruby opened her mouth.

"Strike me down Poseidon! You don't have the ba-"

As she was about to finish her sentence, the wave came crashing into her and the pile of sand around her. Once the wave cleared, she closed her eyes shut and coughed a little.

"It got in my mouth, gross!"

Aqua busted out laughing as (Y/n) chuckled at his daughter, reaching into the pile of sand, which wasn't hard since they hadn't really packed the sand down all that well and lifted Ruby out of the pile.

"And I am the Beach Guardian. Guardian of all those on the Beach."

Ruby rubbed her eyes and smiled at her father as she seemed to get over the small wave that had just hit her.

"Thanks, Papa."

"No problem, my little Sand Guardian."

He said as he sat her down, before he looked at the hole they had left.

"Why don't you both fill in that hole then go ahead and play, make sure not to go too far."


The pair said as they began to fill in the hole with the pile of sand that was left, though it wasn't that hard, since they had already filled up most of the hole, only leaving the space Ruby previously occupied.

Going back to Ai, (Y/n) sat back down and closed his eyes. Ai giggled as she put a hand on his upper arm and ran her hand softly down his arm.

"Well done Mister 'Beach Guardian', but I think I need some help now~"

She said as she pulled out a bottle of sunscreen and offered it to him. as she rolled over on her stomach, smirking at her boyfriend.

"Would you get my back?"

"Nah, you got it."

"What! But you said you protected everyone on the Beach! You're the Beach Guardian!"

"The Beach Guardian only deals with emergencies, this is not an emergency."

Ai pouted as she began to glare daggers at her boyfriend, who looked smug, foiling her plot, before a devious smile worked its way onto her lips.

"Do you want me to tell Yui you were willing to let her daughter-in-law's skin burn up?"

(Y/n) paled as he felt chills go down his spine. The threat of his mother being informed of such a thing would most likely be a death sentence, especially with how Ai would make it seem way worse than it actually was. Even if Yui was a lawyer, and was especially good at detecting and picking apart lies, had a soft spot for the purple haired Idol… which often led her believing Ai on her word, compared to him.

"Now that I think about it…  that is a Beach Guardian level threat…"

"That's what I thought~"

Ai giggled as she handed him the bottle of sunscreen, he sighed as he squirted some of it onto his hand and took a breath as he began to rub the sunscreen into her back, which caused the girl to gasp as the cold lotion was applied to her back.

"That's it… good boy."

"Don't make this even more weird than it always is…"

"Now, why would I do that~"

A knowing glance at Ai said everything it needed to, and in response Ai stuck her touch out in a cocky way. (Y/n) shook his head in annoyance as he began to apply the sunscreen to her lower back.

Soon after, he was done and retracted his hands from Ai's back, who smiled and sat up.

"Thanks so much, Beach Guardian."

"No problem, Ai."

She said as she leaned in and gave him a peck on the cheek. (Y/n) rolled his eyes as he watched his two kids on the edge of the ocean, who were busy splashing each other. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. It was really nice to enjoy this time with his family.

All he wanted was that they would have a long, happy life together… Filled with fun memories like this one.

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