The Attack

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Tara's POV

I was making pasta while texting my best friend amber freeman. Amber is a gorgeous girl sometimes whenever we hangout I just space out and admire her features. She's about 5'3, dark long luscious hair, amazing figure, her eyes are dark and mysterious, the way her lips curl whenever she smiles ugh! She gives me the good heebejeebies whenever I see her. Her favorite color is this darker green and she loves jewelry. I soon had gotten a call from the landline. Who even uses those things anymore?

"Hello?" The man sounded about 45 raspy voice great.

"Hello." I just don't want to seem rude it's probably for my mom.

"Is Cristina there?" Great. I really want to hear about my mom at 9PM.

"No, she's not available. May I take a message?" I'm sure Cristina will REALLY wanna know about this one probably her new boyfriend.

"Sorry, I'm a friend of hers from a group... Oh, shit."

"From her shit?" I laughed at my joke I'm such a comedian I know.

"Look, just tell her I'm from her group. I'm charlie. She's got my number." Knew it new boyfriend or hookup.

"She goes to your group?"

"I shouldn't have... Just tell her that Charlie called."

"I will do exactly that, Charlie, once you tell me what kind of group we are talking about. Is it AA? NA?"

"You sound exactly like how she describes you."

"She talks about me in group?" Since when would Cristina talk about her own child she disregards?

"I don't think I can really talk about that."

"What does she say about me?"

"She loves you very much." Pssh yeah right.

"What does she love about me?"

"She loves that your creative. You love art TV and movies."

"Lots of people like movies"

"Yeah, but she says you love scary movies and you guys have that in common. She's making a proud fan of you."

"She is?"

"Yeah." That sent shivers down my spine his voice saying yeah ew.

"She told me the other day, she wonders... what's your favorite scary movie?"

"The babadook. It's an amazing meditation on motherhood and grief."

"Isn't that a little fancy pants?"

"It's elevated horror."

"Uh-huh. What does that mean? "Elevated horror""

"It's scary but with complex emotional and thematic underpinnings. It's not just some schlocky cheese ball nonsense with wall-to-wall jump scares."

He then asked me if I saw stab and it went on till this struck me and it made my chest feel heavy after every breathe I went to grab my inhaler.

"It's a girl at home, alone. She answers a wrong number and starts talking with the killer who makes her play a game. Would you like to play a game, Tara?" Holy shit.

As I was texting Amber I was telling her about the fucking psychopath who is on the phone with me. Amber was getting ready to come over to hangout with me. I got a text from Amber soon that said "answer the phone bitch" and I thought it was amber playing with me on the phone.

"This isn't funny amber."

"I told you this isn't amber. Ambers looking particularly fetching tonight. She really shouldn't leave her phone around for anyone to clone."

"What do you want?"

"I told you I want to play a game. Stab movie trivia three rounds! You call the cops she dies, you get a question wrong she dies. Her parents aren't home I can be in that room within 15 seconds. You want a warmup question?"

"I told you I don't know these movies!"

Let's just say I got a question half right. I ran to my front door with a kitchen knife but little did I know there was a tall man in a ghostface robe and he stabbed the side of my stomach
when I opened the door. I locked all the doors with the app on my phone but I guess they hacked into my alarm system. How could someone guess the password that easily? The landline started ringing again. I ignored it but then answered.


"Bonus question Tara. Do you think I made it inside your house before the system could rearm?"

Fuck him. I put the landline down and got stabbed again. I fell to the floor and put up as much of a fight as I could. I tried crawling away but he stomped on my leg and I heard a loud crack. I got flipped over and stabbed like 7 more times. Great night right?

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