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Tara's Pov

Me and Amber had made it to her house. It's still crazy to think that she lives in THE legendary Stu machers house. Him and Billy created this whole franchise that almost killed me. How come her parents decided to move into some freako killer house?

"ambyyyy bored" I exaggerated to make her pay more attention

"what do you wanna do then?"

I want to kiss her that's what I wanna do.

*should we call Mindy over and play some games maybe drink smoke get high?"

"okay tarantula you cannot drink and get high but can indeed play games."

"call Mindy please she comes up with good games!"

"what about me I am GREAT at coming up with games!" she replied sarcastically

"okay sure hon you can't even think of dares when playing truth or dare" I chuckled

After about an hour the lazy mindysaurus arrived with 2 grocery bags of food. how does that girl eat so much? While we waited the hour me and Ambs had cuddled and watched sing 2 because I had to torture her.

"sing 2 actually wasn't that bad was it amby?"

She groaned in frustration "now stupid sing 2 is on my watch list thanks Tara. ITS EVEN SUGGESTING OTHER CHILFISH MOVIES!"

We both started to laugh at her annoyance.

"amby are you dating anyone?"

"no why? are you trying to get in my pants t?"

"uh no?"

"okay ms carpenter I'm keeping my eyes on you for suspicion" she does the peace symbol and points towards her eyes back to me.

"are you dating anyone tar?"

"no why?"

"are you the only one allowed to ask questions hmm?" she mumbles

"yes only I may ask questions not you sir" I push her forehead back so she falls onto the headrest of the couch

"aren't you just a bundle of joy today?"

"OMG MINDY. how long have you been here?" I looked over towards the kitchen and the open front door

"long enough to see you guys being gay"

"what the hell Mindy? me and t are just friends that's all!"

that one hurt a bit.

"by the way close the door"

"I swear I closed the door when I walked in?"

Chad and Liv then walk inside and scare all three of us.

"okay  thought it was just us three" Amber had mentioned

"spin the bottle anyone? Chad will chug the beer down" Mindy suggested after chewing her food

Everyone all agreed and they went into a circle.
Mindy spinned the bottle first and it landed on Chad. Since they are siblings they just did a friendly kiss on the cheek (KISSING FAMILY MEMBERS ON THEIR CHEEK IS DIFFERENT FROM THE LIPS AND ITS ACTUALLY NORMAL FOR SOME PEOPLE TO DO THAT WITH FAMILY!!!)

Unsuspected Surprise (Tamber)Where stories live. Discover now