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(English is not my first lenguage)

The world had always been divided into three wonderful castes, ALPHAS, BETAS and OMEGAS, the triad of the evolution of the primitive world in its greatest splendor.T his had not changed yet when the mysterious doors, portals or whatever you want to call them began to appear, however, there was a strange belief that ONLY or mostly ALPHAS were those who managed to awaken as hunters regardless of rank, except for some betas, It was a stupid belief since there really wasn't much difference in status between the three castes. Absurd favoritism? Obviously, could you blame them? Not really, many hidden Omegas preferred to pass as simple Betas than be harassed for the line of work they proudly carried out.

However, this changed revolutionizing the world suddenly when before the cameras, at the age of twenty-four, due to an oversight not even his own, the recently recognized world-renowned hunter, Sung Jin-Woo, was revealed as an Omega on world TV after having been forced to support the intervention on JeJu Island.

There, in front of the best hunters in the world, in front of hundreds of spectators in the middle of what could be called the largest movement in Asia, Korea's best kept secret had been exposed with a simple tug of clothes.

The jacket that he had carried so suspiciously to the world had fallen, giving a better opportunity to get a good look at the features of Korea's best hunter, the hood had been blown off with a quick movement, allowing the spectators to observe the fine almost feminine features being the boy's beauty, the lack of thick protection had given way to the best image of the body, long but plump legs, slim but curvy torso, a perfect rounded butt stuffed with meat, rising a little more, a firm chest but lacking in muscle like the rest of the body despite the extraordinary strength he possessed, and finally, with the white shirt in tatters, the presence of the tattoo that marked the black-haired man as Omega along with a choker tied around the neck in perfect bluish leather made it more than clear that that superior being was nothing more than an Omega in every sense of the word.

The audience erupted with doubts, praise and scorn.

What would come next?


I'm sorry for the rubbish prologue, it's a quick introduction that I needed to do to start what will be the first chapter of this, I wanted to clarify that the following chapters may not have good time tracking as such since they are planned to be One- shot in a certain way. If you have read this far, I thank you and I hope you continue to support me in the following updates. If you have questions, I am happy to answer them <3

Don't forget to leave your little star and a comment if you can!

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