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february 6th 2017 - ca$h carti

"wassuppp bro," rocky gassed, dapping me up, feels like i haven't seen this guy in a decade. we've been working together on some new shit for my album - if my management even let me drop it.

"nun much, watchu telling me?" i looked behind into his house, im not gonna lie it was looking a lil empty, i tilted my head at him in disappointment.
"ma nigga.. where the bitches at?" rocky must've thought i was tryna be a joker cause he burst out laughing but i was being deadass. i know rocky got some pretty ass lil girlfriends i don't know why he tryna gatekeep.

"cmon bro, i told every one the party starts at nine, we need to go pick up some people real quick." he explained, motioning for me to follow him out the house into his s-class merc. i simply nodded, scrolling on my phone while he drove off.

8:17pm - king kylie
"you so fire jords..i can't-" i hyped up my bestfriend while my best friend and makeup artist, ariel, finished her look. "all thanks to me." he winked at my phone, as always i was filming videos for snapchat. people call me obsessed but i think it's a nice way to make keep cute memories, i definitely will not be showing my kids some of them one day, though.

"no but look at that bodyyyyy," ariel suddenly snatched the phone out of my hand and began gassing me, i started looking to the side, pretending to feel a bit shy before full on posing in my mini brown body-con dress.

"yess girl!" ariel screamed before the video ended, it's always good having people like this around you.

just as i was about to post the video, my phone ringing echoed in the makeup room.

" incoming call from 'rocky💕' "

instead of answering, i picked up my purse and walked out with jordyn following suit, "i'll call you later ariel!!" a few seconds passed before he replied, "have fun girl, make sure you get some dick tonight!"

hand in hand, jordyn and i made our way to rocky's car, but i was a bit startled to see a guy sitting in my usual seat, the passenger side. me and jordyn silently gave each other a look before getting in our respective sides of the car.

"wassup ky, hi jordyn," he smiled at my younger friend. the guy in front took a quick glance back at us, and i'm not gonna lie, im happy it was dark out or he would've seen the way my eyes widened. i turned to jordyn as we both silently made that "he's so fine" look to each other.

"this my guy carti by the way," the man, or carti should i say, looked back licking his lips saying a simple, "wassup," before turning back to his phone. jordyn and i shyly said hi before rocky began driving off.

their was a scary awkward silence in the car for some reason, the only thing filling it being the busy sounds of l.a. as we hit a red light, rocky turned to look at me.

"why y'all being so fucking quiet, y'all ain't have no pre's?" he chuckled, referencing the usual three shots me and jordyn make a tradition to have before going out to any event. i silently shook my head, "we had no time." rocky seemed irritated by my shyness but instead turned around to carry on driving back to his house. meanwhile, me and jordyn were indulging in a very entertaining conversation on our phones.

𝒘𝒊𝒇𝒆𝒚 👰🏽‍♀️💍
no way that's playboi carti's fine ass


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