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february 7th, 2017 - king kylie

"northieeee!" i ran towards my first born niece, picking her up as she screamed in my ear.

"hey ky," my eldest sister, kourt, smiled at me. i guess her on and kim are back on good terms, it's so on and off with these two.

"yeah hey ky," kim smirked at me. oh okay now it makes sense. kim and kourt truly only get along when they have something to use against one of the sisters, most of the time it's a little joke but i don't know if i can take that right now, my head is still throbbing from last nights antics.

"hey guys.." my voice unwillingly wobbled slightly as i set north down. "so.." it's never good when kimberly kardashian starts a sentence with her sneaky 'so...'

"what is going on you guys?" to diffuse the tension i decided it was best to make myself a glass of orange juice - yes, the type kim specifically buys for me.

"so.. we were wondering why you got home so late last night?" my eyes widened, how did they know i got home late last night?

"oh.. it was just rocky he had a party, that's all." okay kylie, good save.

"well don't you always come back with rocky? we were at your house when jordyn was dropped off, she said you were with someone.." kourtney further instigated. looking at these two smirking together really reminded me of those sly siamese cats.

"why were you guys at my house?" i quickly tried to laugh it off. God, please get me out of this situation.

"oh you know just bu-" the heavy slamming of the door and sudden cheering indicated the rest of the family were here.

thank God, my prayers were answered.

it's not like i don't want my family to know about carti but I hardly know the guy, whats the point in entertaining something that isn't there?

plus, he didn't even text me back this morning, nothing a lil ig post cant fix ;)

plus, he didn't even text me back this morning, nothing a lil ig post cant fix ;)

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