Chapter 5

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Carson -

I woke up to the bright sun shining into the curtains blinking my eyes open some more I realized I'm not in my own room. Not to mention the pillow and blankets I was using smelt like boys coglone it actually smelt really good. I inhaled it a second time but real deeply okay I better quit this might seem creepy if I get caught doing that. I threw the covers off of me then sat up slowly as I felt kinda  nauseous.

I blinked my eyes a few more times attempting to take in my surroundings I was very familiar with most of the pictures hung up on the wall. Looking around the room I barely saw any pictures of Andy and his friends it was just mostly me and him. I got out of his bed roaming around staring at all the pictures of us, I guess I'm taking a walk on memory lane.

My eyes grew wide when I saw a particular picture  it was a picture of us when we had our first kiss as a couple. We had our first kiss when both his family and mine went camping one summer together. This is another picture that meant a lot to me, does it still mean something to me to this day?  I pulled my eyes away from the picture before I ended up in tears as always.

Standing in the middle of Andy's bedroom floor I found it impossible to move my stupid feet. I couldn't take my eyes off all these pictures, hundreds of memories was currently flooding my brain.

" I do that everyday stare at these pictures replaying each memorie in my head over and over again. "

I was startled by a deep voice I hadn't heard in many years. I turned around to see Andy standing in his door way he looked like he hadn't slept in days. His appearance hasn't changed he still had dark messy brown hair that occasionally fell in his eyes. Physically his body was still in great shape you could tell he had toned up and more muscle hugged his body. His brown eyes are still as beautiful as I remembered them to be matched the color of his hair.

" Andy.. "

I whimpered.

That's all I could say at the moment I was trying to find the right words to scream at him but they were lost. I tried so hard not to cry I really was trying to hold myself together but I had it bad for him, fuck I still love him.

" Glad to see your sobering up. "

Andy said as he slowly walked into the room but not towards me instead he sat in his roller chair.

" Yeah um.. How'd I get here? "

" Believe it or not.. You were Knocking at my front door at like 3 in the morning and you nearly fell into the bushes. "

Andy said nervously I already knew he didn't think id believe him.

Something then dawned on me.

" Wait a fucking minute?! "

I practically yelled this time causing Andy to jump his eyes snapped up and met mine.

" It was you! Why did you tell me your name is Andrew?! I'm so fucking delusional why didn't I notice you then. "

I snapped at him now feeling angry.

" Yes it's me Andy not Andrew.. "

He sighed as he ran his hand down his face he almost looked stressed as well maybe I should take it easy on him like ease up?

" Carson I was scared.. Scared that if I told you who I am you might have run off on me. I was scared that you might not talk to me again. "

Andy added.

I was fucking fuming but at the same time I wanted to take a breatheir and calm down also be nice if that's possible.

" Left you? Oh you mean the way you left me!! "

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