Chapter 1 Jacquelyn

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"Girl, I can't believe you're going by yourself", my best friend Stacy said.

"Yeah. I told myself after I graduate high school I'll work my butt off to finally enjoy myself. I didn't want to get stuck in college like everyone else, I want to see the world", I exclaimed.

She laughed.

"You sure did make that happen. I thought you were going to live at your job."

"I had to work 12-hour shifts in order to get to where I am today, finally I have the golden ticket in my hands", I said as I glanced down at my plane ticket.

Japan, I finally saved up enough money to spend a month-long stay there. It's been my dream to go there. I first got into Japanese culture through anime of course but over the years I learned there was so much more to anime and crazy game shows. I fell in love with the culture, people, food, and more. While I have no plans of moving there permanently because I would miss home too much, I can at least visit as much as I like before I settle down. Well, if I ever settle down. That part of my life hasn't been mapped out just yet.

"Want me to go with you to the airport to send you off", she asked.

"No Stacy, it's okay. I'll call you every day, I promise."

"You can call me from there?"

"Duh, I just have to figure it out. I read about it. If that fails I'll just video chat you or something."

"That sounds like a plan", she said happily.

Stacy helped me finish packing up and then when my ride came, she helped load up the van. I had a lot of stuff, two suitcases full, big ones too but then again I am spending the month there. Even the driver gave me a look as I loaded the van. I gave him a look back to mind his own business.

Don't judge me sir!

It took about two hours for me to reach the airport. It was super early in the morning, I like early morning flights because I hate the rush but I do also hate waiting for the lanes to open up. Well, you can't have it all.

I pulled my phone out to text Stacy as I waited to check in my luggage.

[Me] Made it to the airport, just waiting.

[Stacy] Ugh! I always hate waiting. Got your passport right, I forgot to ask you. If not I'll drive over to give it to you."

I checked my bag.

[Me] No need, I got it along with my wallet. If I take it out, I'm putting it back right away, I don't care if I hold up the line. I can't lose this stuff.

[Stacy] Got that right! So, I have to ask, are you planning on meeting anyone special there? I know you've been making Japanese penpals.

[Me] *rolls eyes* OMG Stop!

[Stacy] *laughs* I mean why not? There are plenty of sexy Japanese guys.

[Me] You've forgotten something very important. My Japanese is not good. I just started studying last year and I can only say things to get myself out of trouble or get help. Also, I can order food and buy a few things, that's it. I haven't learned anything about how to pick up guys. Besides, even if I meet a guy, it wouldn't go anywhere, I'm not moving to Japan and I doubt he will move to Texas.

[Stacy] Excuses excuses. Well, if I'm right, you better tell me about everything.

[Me] *rolls eyes* Fine.

[Stacy] Yay!

About another hour passed before they started taking in luggage. After my hands were finally free, I made my way over to the security gate. I just had a small bag with me for my most important belongings such as my wallet, passport, phone, charger, and earbuds. I made sure to keep it on me at all times. I'm one to forget things if I set it down somewhere.

After some more waiting, I was finally on the plane. I sent Stacy one more text message before placing my phone on airplane mode.

"Please place smaller luggage under the seats in front of you and larger luggage in the overhead bins. Any luggage that does not fit will have to be checked in, free of charge. Please remain in your seats for the duration of the flight in case of unexpected turbulence. The captain will turn off the seatbelt sign when we reach a safe altitude. In front of your seats, you will find a pamphlet about what we have to offer for this flight as well as what to do during an emergency. In a moment we will go over the safety protocol for this flight."

I tuned out what she was saying as I thought over the movies I had planned to watch during my flight. Team romance all the way.

I am a huge romantic but my dating record says otherwise. Dreaming about being in love is much easier than finding someone to fall in love with. Actually, the reality of dating has scared me off. I never dated in high school and still haven't progressed any further than flirting online. I tell myself that 20 is the new 30 so I shouldn't rush things. I'm only 25 after all so I shouldn't beat myself up over not finding anyone to spend the rest of my life with. Well, maybe I should start with finding someone to just kiss, right?

Whatever, right now I'm going on vacation to relax and not worry about stupid things like that. I slaved away at an office job I hate just to sit here on this flight. While I hate my job I do love the pay and I would have never met my bestie Stacy. We help each other survive that toxic workplace every day. She at least has goals in her life to do better. Me on the other hand, it's a lost cause, I'm just existing at this point.

Once the whole flight safety speech was finally over, I went straight to picking out my movie. I cleared my head of my thoughts as the movie started, relaxing and ready to enjoy the flight. 

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