Chapter 5 Jacquelyn

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"Aw man it's hot out here!"

I was dripping in sweat as I worked the fields. I was out here early this morning, awoken by my new grandma. I still had no clue what she was saying but get to work is pretty universal.

She fed me well like usual and had an outfit ready for me to wear. I was surprised it fit but then again I bet it's huge on everyone else.

My hairstyle for this trip was supposed to be low maintenance, box braids. I usually keep them in for a month. I love it because it always looks done and I don't have to put work into it. Right now though, I wish I were bald. This hair is only adding to the pain. Grandma did give me a hat but she didn't understand that it doesn't fit on my hair. It was the thought that counts.

Anyway, today I was picking chili peppers. I was happy to at least be sitting monetarily as I placed them into a basket but it was up and down with these darn things. My knees were starting to hurt.

"Hey you."

I stood up and looked around.

"Me", I said as I pointed to myself.

"Duh", the jerk face said.

"What do you want?"

"Time for a break."

"I'm fine thanks."

"I'm not asking I'm telling you. You'll get heat stroke or something if you keep up this pace."

"I can tell if I'm getting a heat stroke thank you very much."

"Fine, whatever."

An hour later...

"Oh my gosh, I can't believe I almost got a heat stroke", I said in shock as I lay on the cool floor with an ice pack on my head.

"Told you."

I was starting to feel faint and so I headed inside a while ago, that's when I lost balance and I ended up here. I felt so bad for making grandma worry about me.

"Whatever", I said.

I glanced over at him to see he was shirtless with a towel draped around his shoulders, must be a cool towel. He was drinking some water as well. It got me thinking, I don't know this jerk's name.

"Hey", I called out.


"What's your name? You know mine."

"I forgot yours."

"What? It's not hard, I gave you my nickname. Jackie, Jackie...write it down or something."

"Why would I do that if it's just a nickname? I can give you a better one."

"Oh yeah?"


I quickly sat up.


"Yeah, flea. You're annoying. Too bad I can't flick you off somewhere."

" face. Ugh!"

I stood up.

"You have no right to treat me like this! What have I done to you to deserve this treatment? I've been busting my butt to help out as much as I can while I'm here. I've been extremely respectful to everyone here! If you hate me so much, I'll walk out of here. I'm done. Tell grandma I got a ride or something."

I went to go get my things. Barely anything was unpacked since I had no plans to stay here long. I can't stay another minute here with that jerk.

I got some water, put my bags out the door, and then grabbed my shoes.

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