Chapter 7 Isamu

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 I woke up to the sun shining on my face through the window letting me know it was time to start the day. As usual, I had work to do. The ladies here always tell me I don't have to rush to get things done but I don't want to slack. Women will do things themselves if men don't get to it right away. Sometimes though, I sleep for a few minutes longer.

I got up to get ready for the day, I'll save a shower after the hard work. It's a relaxing reward for myself, along with a hot meal from grandma. After I was done getting dressed, I headed out to grab some tools.


I turned around to see Jacquylen rushing out the door while putting her shoes on at the same time.

"You could have gotten me up you know."

"I was letting you sleep in."

"While I appreciate you being thoughtful, we have lots of work to do today. Some of the villagers' kids are coming to help sell their food right?"

"Yes, so we need to do most of the work quickly."

"Wait, do you think one of them might give me a ride back?"

I shrugged my shoulders.


"Oh my gosh, I need to get my stuff packed up after we're done. I'll work extra hard so I finish early."

"Fine by me."

We spent a few hours picking fruit and vegetables and also tending to the soil and other foods that weren't ready to be picked. The women came together to make some of their dishes to sell at the market, Jacquelyn helped with that since I'm no cook. She looked like she was enjoying herself, she said she loves to cook. Since she'll find her chance to leave now, I guess I won't get a chance to try it.

"Mmh...oishii", she said as she tried some food.

She quickly became a favorite amongst the women. They are always saying nice things about her, especially about her appearance since she stands out. Most of the people here never meet a foreigner. Too bad she can't understand the compliments.

As the kids of the villagers arrived, I helped load the food into their trucks. We spent a little bit of time chatting. They are good people, I can tell because of their parents. It's too bad they live far away from their parents to make a living and support their own kids but they try to keep in contact as much as they can. They thank me often for taking care of their parents and watching over them. It wasn't my goal in life to end up here but I guess someone higher up had plans for me.


It was evening now. I was finishing up some work before I went back home. I took my food to go this time. When I got back home I saw that Jacquelyn wasn't there. Just as she said she was going to find a ride out of here. I bet she was happy to leave. This gives her some time to go to the house she rented and enjoy the rest of her stay here in Japan.

I caught myself staring at my bed, where she was sleeping next to me. I don't get this feeling that's foreign to me. Maybe not foreign, it's just a feeling I haven't felt in a while. The feeling of disappointment. It's my own fault I let myself get like that.


I warmed up my food and then sat down to eat.

"Isamu? Isamu, are you here?"

I looked up at the sound of her voice.

"Oh, there you are. Sorry, I'm late. I was helping the grandmas clean up and I made something for you. It's just some zucchini fritters I make back home. It's Japanese style since I don't have my usual spices with me, it turned out pretty good."

She came over, placing the plate in front of me, I stared at it for a moment.

"Oh, don't tell me you're allergic, I'm sorry. I never asked if you have any allergies."

I shook my head.

"No, I'm not allergic."

"Do you not like zucchinis? It's okay if you don't. I won't take it hard."

She sat down across from me.

"What happened to getting a ride?"

She shrugged her shoulders.

"I had lots to do here. Just seeing the grandmas happy made me forget all about getting a ride. Besides, the grandma's kids are busy helping them out. Me asking them for a ride seems kind of out of place for me to do. Plus, I'm not in a rush to leave. Things have been pretty good here. All I will return to is a busy work office which I absolutely hate. What? Were you scared I left?"

I took a fritter, placing the whole thing in my mouth, refusing to respond.

"It's that good, isn't it? I'm glad you like it", she said.

I nodded.

"So, back to my question, were you scared I left?"

She was eager to hear what I had to say. I refused to give her the satisfaction.

Instead, I took another fritter to shove into my mouth.

"Hey, stop dodging my question with fritters", she said as she started to grab the plate from me.

I quickly reached over to take the plate from her. We were now in a tug of war.

"Give it back, I made them!"

"I'm not done yet, you said you made them for me which means they are mine now."

"But you are refusing to talk!"

"I'll talk when I'm ready to talk."

"Liar! You just don't want to admit your true feelings. It'll be good for you too--"

The plate slipped from my hand, causing her to fall back.

"Whoa! Ow!"

So dramatic.

Somehow the plate landed back on the table. I slid it over back to me.

"Good save", she said as she lay on the floor.

"Do you have a concussion?"

"No, I don't think so. Thanks for your concern."

I let out a soft chuckle.

She's so ridiculous.

"Yeah, I was a little worried for a moment but I knew you couldn't leave."

"And why is that?"

"You wouldn't want to miss the festival."

"Festival? When is it?"

"Next week."

"Do you usually go?"



"But going this time around might not be so bad...with you."

Her face lightened up. She finally sat up.

"I promise I'll make it fun! What should we wear? I don't think I packed any festival outfits since I didn't know about it."

"Don't worry about it. We'll go to a kimono rental."


"Yeah, I'm sure you never wore one before."

"No never. Oh my gosh, this a dream come true! Wait, this will be in town won't it?"

"You want a ride to your rental house after?"

"No, I don't care about that anymore, I'm worried about you. You said you don't like driving into the city. Will you be okay?"

"I'll be fine."

"If you say so", she said with a big smile. 

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