swarm of the century

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Orion is with fluttershy picking flowers for his mothers visit to ponyville. Angel than approaches them with dandelions.

(Fluttershy): Thanks angel but remember these flowers are for princess celestia only the most beautiful ones will do.

Angel than puts them away and searches for more.

(Orion): fluttershy my mother won't mind the flowers she'll like them no matter what.

(Fluttershy): I know it's just I want her to feel appreciated and welcomed here. It's a shame princess luna isn't coming.

(Orion): yeah she usually heads to her game convention.


(Luna): Okay does everyone know the rules to this thing?

(Everypony else): yes.

(Luna): Okay let's do this.

"//Cutaway ends//"

Fluttershy and orion noticed a noise coming from a bush and find an adorable little creature.

(Fluttershy): Oh goodness how cute.

(Orion): Huh this creature looks familiar where have I seen it before.

Than fluttershy gives the creature an apple and it devours not only the apple but all the fruits in the bucket.

(Orion): dang little fella you must've been hungry.

(Fluttershy): Oh I must show you to my friends.

Orion than heads home as fluttershy meets up with twilight and pinkie pie. Orion goes through town seeing everypony getting ready for princess celestias visit tomorrow.

(Orion): Dang everyone is doing a wonderful job I hope mom loves it.

Pinkie pie than runs very fast as orion tries to ask her what is going on.

(Orion): Pinkie what are you doing.

(Pinkie):  can't talk need trombone.

(Orion): Okay see you later?

The next day

Orion is reading his book as he sits on his couch little did he know a little parasprite landed on his book.

(Orion): hey little fella what brings ya here.

Than the parasprite takes a bite out of his book. Orion is shocked.

(Orion): Hey what was that for!

(Pinkie): Orion I need your help.

(Orion): pinkie how did you get in here?!

(Pinkie): Nevermind that do you have any symbols I can barrow.

(Orion): Sure here you go.

As pinkie leaves Orion looks outside and sees ponyville in chaos.

(Orion): What in the name of my mother.

Orion sees twilight and runs up to here.

(Orion): Twilight whats going on here?

(Twilight): The parasprites are multiplying extremely fast and are eating ponyville and princess celestia is on her way now.

Orion than sees pinkie pie playing music and leading the parasprites away.

(Orion): I don't think we need to worry about it look.

The parasprites all follow pinkie pie to the forrest. As the rest of the mane 7 run over to princess celestia and greet her.

(Twilight): princess welcome.

(Orion): Greetings mother.

(Celestia): Hello my son and twilight it's good to see you as well as your friends .

Everyone heard symbols clash together as pinkie leads them away celestia looks in surprise.

(Celestia): what is this?

(Orion): just a little parasprite invasion.

(Celestia): Okay but awwwe these creatures are so adorable.

(Rainbow dash): they're not that adorable.

(Celestia): I'm so greatful for the parade you've all prepared for my visit.

(Twilight): Parade yes of course.

(Celestia): Anyway I'll have to save it for another time. Phillydelpia currently has some creatures invading the poor town so I'll reschedule my visit later.

(Orion): Okay it was nice seeing you  mom.

(Celestia): Of course qnd if you have time next week come visit me in canterlot I miss having my baby boy at home.

As she leaves pinkie finishes her instrument thing.

(Pinkie): Hey where did the princess go?

(Twilight): She had something important to get to. Anyway pinkie I'm sorry for not listening to you about the parasprites.

(Pinkie): Well yeah why do you think I needed those instruments.

(Orion): Well you saved ponyville.

Than they all see the damage from the place and are all still shocked. Orion than sighs and grabs some tools.

(Orion): Well let's get started.

MLP FIM: son of the princesses (on Hold For Now)Where stories live. Discover now