Chapter 1

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Damien's POV

I reached the airport with my family. This was a new start for all of us. We're finally moving to America, Washington. I was moving from Hong Kong to American, I can't explain how excited I was. This wish was always on my bucket list. I am also very excited to see all the hot guys in America, I hear they are drop dead gorgeous. Did I forget to mention I was gay? Well who cares. I'm just really excited.

All my close friends from school and outside school were here to wish my goodbye and a safe flight. I know I will miss them so much. I walked over to the group of people I have come to know and love.

"Please don't cry guys, 'cause if you cry. I cry" I sadly said.

"They can't help it Damien, they'll miss you. All the guys will miss you too" said Sean, instantly flashbacks of me and my 'guy' friends came to mind. Healt, Chris, David, Sean, Warren and I playing stupid games like the Charlie Charlie game ( honestly i didn't believe it but it was one heck of a fun game)

"Dont forget to skype us ok?" said Samantha, a really close friends of mine who I can talk to about anything.

"Yea! And remember to get me a hot American boyfriend!" joked Jenny, another friend. Shes so funny. Im gonna miss her remarks. I glanced at my watch and realized i had to go.

" I will and keep hoping Jenny haha I love you all but I have to go. I miss you guys so much. I'll message everyday omg ima miss y'all" i hurried knowing i had to leave. I hugged everyone and headed for my family.

After an hour of waiting, we finally got in the Airplane and departed. This was it, I'm going to America. I thought as I layed down starting to fall asleep

After 11 hours of sleeping, I finally landed in America, Washingtong. Wow this place was intimidating. We exited the airport and got a cab to our new house. As we entered the newly bought house, we switched on the lights only to find boxes of our stuff scattered everywhere. I looked at my watch to see it was 1 am now. I informed my dad and he has a smile plastered on his face. Shit wait, what day is it today?

"You have school in a few hours." He said smiling brightly. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Dean's POV

I was in the middle of my vampire training with my instructor, meaing my fathers most trusted advisor. My family was a family of vampires, yes I know its hard to believe. From all my ancestors till now, vampires exsits and if i had to be honest, it was a pain in the ass. I was currently now transformed into a vampire form as I was now learning attack and defence 101 taught by the private instructor as my parents dont want me to go to public vampire school, yes we have those. I just started this vampire stuff and i am not ready, plus i have to also be a normal teenager and go to school like every other teenager.

My vampire form was indeed breathtaking if i do say so myself. And vampires don't look like the ones you see on television, no, real vampires like me have tattos decending from their foreheads to their necks( and if you are giving the gift of being the chosen one, the tattos go down to your arms, back and chest.) We also huge wings that looks alot like angel wings you see on television but our wings comes in differnt colors depending on the level of strenght. Obviously, we have fangs and also colorful eyes that also depend on your level of strenght.

They way i looked was very...foreign... this was the 3rd time i had seen myself in full vampire form. My wings were plain white( the weakest and starter level) my fangs hadn't fully grown yet and there was only one tatto on my face. A triskellion ( you know those swirly 3 circles from TeenWolf) that went down to branch-like tattos that went right beneath my cheekbone. And last but not least my silver eye color ( again weakest and starter level) .

I was hit and fell to the ground. I looked up and saw my instructor. Mr. Ben. Looking down at me dissapointed that i wasn't paying attention. I just shrugged. It was time to pack up anyways. It already 10 pm ( by the way, we vampires can tell time too. Thats why we never wear watches) I got up and grabbed my bag and went out the training hall to the kitchen( yes our house has a training hall, vampires are rich i dont even know why) only to be stopped by my father with a smug look on his face.

"What?" I asked tiredly as i transformed back to human. No tattos, wing, fangs. Just my darkbrown eyes now. Im human now. At least I look like one.

"School starts tommorow" he stated as all color from my face faded. Shit, tommorows the first day back to school. I was a senior. I was known as the hottest guy in school ( vampires are hot, like all of them! I don't know how but its helps with my selfesteem) and probably the most popular. Student from other schools even knew me( idk how) but even with the title and popularity, i didn't want to go, i literrally hate waking up in morning but oh wells. I needed to look hot tommorow as i should always. Have to keep up my status, not to be self-concided but you know, it feels nice to be noticed and liked. It just does.

After a minute i got a sandwich and ate it and went to sleep, smart enough to set my alram clock tommorw at 6 am. I was falling asleep almost instantly, mostly because i was tired. Well tommorows a new day so im a bit ( like very little) excited because i have this feeling like something interesting is going to happen. Good or bad? I don't know. I just know it is going to be something interesting.

We'll see tommorow. Now won't we. And with that thought, i fell asleep.

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