Part 2: Becoming Bestfriends🖤

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Abhimanyu Singh Rathore a.k.a. Abhii to their loved ones come to meet his bestfriend his soulmate Akhii and his baby sister whom he loves to core...just entered the dining room only to witnesses...

Abhii POV
I entered abhii's dining room scrolling my phone chuckling while looking at a photo of me and my bestfriend just to eat something delicious made by him because I like his handmade food the most.

Abhii POVI entered abhii's dining room scrolling my phone chuckling while looking at a photo of me and my bestfriend just to eat something delicious made by him because I like his handmade food the most

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But what i saw makes my heart stiffened.
I saw kittu's leg twisted and she shouted in her inaudible voice to her brother for help but he was far from her to save.

I take my long strides towards her and pulled her hand so with a sudden jerk she collapsed in my arms I immediately embraced her rubbing her back in a soothing manner to make her calm as she was panicking because of some unhappaned accident.
Until then akhii also came towards me hurriedly checking she's fine or not.

Abhii: shhh...Calm down bubba nothing happened look abhii bhai saved you..nothing happened to you...shhh relax bubba.
Akhii: Bacha look at me. mumbling)
Akhii:Yes bache bhai is here your both bhai are here .You're fine look up to me.

Abhii took her little figure in his arms wrapping his hands around her back keeping her legs around his torso and walk towards the couch.
Akhii came to them with a glass of water.

Abhii:Now look at me bubba hmm...look at bhai

Kittu detached her face from his chest and looked up in his eyes which was showing nothing but worry,love and care .

Nikki: B..bhai I'm sorry I'll walk carefully from now on

She kept mumbling those words because she is very well aware of the fact that these two men who look soo much tough are very emotional and strict when it comes to her.
It's not like they give her punishments or something but they just not like careless nature of her for herself.And when she does something like that they just stopped talking with her much.'s okay bubba I'm not angry at you  okay relax yourself hmm bass mera bacha theak hai mujhe kuch aur nahi chahiye(just my kid is okay that's enough for me I want nothing else.)

Kittu eyes got wet by the time not because of fear of falling but seeing their care she just thanked God the most for giving her these two angels.
She mouthed love you bhai and kissed his forehead while taking glass from akhii who was standing..looking at his bestfriend...with proud thinking that he never made any bad decision by making abhii his friend instead he is more than happy that he got a brother like friend in this world where you can't trust anyone and here his abhii with whom he can trust with his life.

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