Part 15: Love in the air~❤

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Abhii POV

I was going to my office.
Well , I was out of town for a whole dam month...its not like I was first time out for this long but the thing is I was far away from my Sweetie...
Did I mention that I'm going to surprise her.
Yeah...she is not aware about my arrival.
I already enquired..she is in office being my PS ...she was handling everything in my absence.

Ohh Gosh my girl...I'm feeling like just go and take her in a bone  crushing hug.

And yes I didn't forget about that betrayal. She did with Akhii..passing him my Not sO embarrassing photographs.
Im gonna take my revenge today for sure but in Abhii's style ;)

Let's goo ..I'm coming mh baby..

(In office)

Minisha's POV

I was sitting in my boss's cabin oh I mean my boyfiee's cabin..
precisely sitting in his chair.
I missing him badly.
He is gone for almost a month now.
Even though my Abhii never forgets to call me twice a day but from last 3 days I have not  talked with him for once.
Aah I'm behaving like a lovesick girlfriend.
But duh not my fault he is irresistible .

Minisha: Huh what did he think of himself.
Let him come I'll not talk with him.ill give him a silent treatment. Always angry huh Mr. grumpy .Shouting at every one and oh his coldie side.huh Ice cube..Full of himself one time ohh my Minnie and the other second- Miss Minisha you have to complete these hUndREds of file in 2 days.. I want attention Mr.Singh aah Abhii I'm going insane because of you.Just come I'll beat you wit_


Minisha who was blabbering continuously and mimicking him stopped in her track after hearing a deep husky voice.She knew there's only one person who call her with this name.She turned slowly and faced him in horror like her eyes will pop out of her socket. She gulped ,cursing herself in her mind.

Abhii POV

I excitedly entered in my cabin but stopped in midway after hearing my sweetie's voice.
I stand there hearing her complaining about me, blabbering a real baby..

Oh my baby ...don't worry now I'll give my attention 24/7..
Ice cube huh....wait wait What she is planning to beat me...girl I'm you boyfriend.

After hearing her for a good time I called her from behind.
She stiffened in her place and turn towards me gulping .

Abhii: .hmm..Minni you will beat me with.?

He asked mischievously. Raising his eyebrow.
Minisha wants earth to swallow her.
She smiled nervously.

Minni:A..abhii wo..oh mai(she shutters not able to form any word)

Abhii amble towards her smirking.
He was enjoying her nervous state.

Now Abhii was standing right in front of her.He snaked his arms to her waist making Minni's breath hitched. And to add fuel on her burning body he slipped his hands in her top caressing her small waist.

Abhii: Hmm speak Sweetie..your Mr. Grumpy is listening.

He speaks inhaling her scent from her neck.
And Now Minni knew She fucked up.
She fake cry before speaking.

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