Anglaigus X Reader General HCs

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*art not mine!
I deeply apologize if this is inaccurate or not what you were hoping for. I am unfamiliar with this character/franchise and it was hard to gather a whole lot of info but I did the best research I could and decided it'd be easiest to go with general headcanons! :) (from what I picked up he went from a shy and insecure man too afraid to fight to a cold dictator so I went with the more  passive version)

-Immediately becomes flustered and loses all train of thought the minute he sees you
-if you are like me and are terrible at flirting/social interaction, take this and multiply it by 10
-if you're not, and you enjoy flustering him even more, I think you're gonna have fun picking on him
-wants to show off his architectural skills :) please be gentle if he messes up and drops a brick on his foot and make sure to give him lots of compliments on his job well done 😊
-hanging out includes him rambling on about his duties and experiences working for Ceaser. He'd also be happy to show you his techniques and encourages you to get into the field of architecture so you can work together!
-he also enjoys going on nature hikes, be it through a flowery field, by the sea, in the deep woods or even through town. Whatever scenery you enjoy :)
-would definitely sculpt a small clay statue of you for your birthday
-also gives you tons of your favorite flowers every chance he gets
-overall, he is happy you accept him for who he is as well as his feelings. :) He is ever so grateful he has you to cheer him up if he had a rough day on the job.

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