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Yall i decided to be nice but if yall want another chapter for dis and our therapist den imma need 10 comments

September 16
ty pov

" papa can you cmere!" mia shouts

" yea!" i shout den get outta bed and go to her office. "why you in hea? i cant work and neither can you"

" I was opening packages . Can you unclip my bra?" she ask. I go behind her and unclip her bra then help her put her robe on. "you been ok this mornin?"

" Yes. you, phat, and mar have have 3 times each tdy. If im not, yall will see" i tell her den sit down. She sits on my lap and i rub her stomach

" well did you sleep?"

" yes beautiful"

" I love all the compliments yall give me "

" you deserve em"

" yall do too"

" Ik"

" How bout no dna test. As long their yalls, which they are, then idc"

" But if they get a random illness, the doctors are gonna need family history"

" we are family. A family of 7" rocky barks at her. "fine, 8"

" mamas listen-"

" nope no test"

"we're having tests"

" you are not principal tyshon, you are boyfriend tyshon rn"

" Im always boyfriend tyshon but im also father of almost 4 tyshon so im telling you, we're gettin the tests, If you want me to be the tyshon who gives punishments den i can"

" Im pregnant, you not allowed@

" and you not allowed to eat anything spicy but you did didn't you?"

" howd you-@

" we have cameras. I check them more now that your pregnant"

" im in so much trouble aren't i?"

" yes but we'll blame it on this being your first pregnancy and you not being used to hormone changes"

"thsnk you"

" being principal is annoying, how do you do it?" jay groans as he stands at the door

" why do you think i have 2 assistant principals"i ask

" well who are they?" he ask

" cmea phat" he walks over and sits on my lap. "i've been banned fron talking about work so now everyone in this house is till monday "

" i never talk about work" she says

" Yes you do" we tell her

" This company this, this company that, too many packages this, so much money that" he says and she mugs him

"Can we think of baby names?" she ask

"i thought we already did" i say

"no yall just said that they can have me and his last names because the girls already have you and mars" she tells me

"Lets use a letter we don't have. We already have t,s, j, and m" he says

"Who's m?" i ask

"mar" he says in a duh tone

"ok i serioudly dont understsnd how yall don't know that. His name starts with a J, nini calls him jah for a reason" i say

"Well he dont talk about himself how tf we supposed ta know" dey ask

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