
689 14 3

(There will be magic)

"Hey Jared how you been mate" sitting down on a chair.

"Not so good man my debt isn't getting smaller and every bounty in this god forsaken town is just fucking rumours over some elf's, it always the same stuff smith one siting of an elf and everyone go crazy just to find out it was a fake." Grabbing his mug and begin jugging it down like it his last drink since a month.

"Welp chap I'm sorry to hear that but hey can you blame people for going crazy for it. Everyone want one. From the lowest commoner to the highest noble, even the Queen wants one but not no original one man a female one with the best looks" he takes a sip of his mug while hearing laughter on the other side of the building.

"Oh the queen wants the best elf like that going to happen listen man I don't get it she the queen and she can have anything she want she can bang guys, girls, dragons and orcs hell even a fucking goblins and no one will stop her or question her unless they want death. Even so she wants the best elf like come on man like that every going to happen" take another jug of his drink." Listen finding a elf is like finding a damn gem that 10k years old  and is the rarest of them all. Look I can think of like a male one because there quick temper and cocky so they may want revenge but finding a female one dude the female ones know 2 things and that is to make sure not to get caught and stay the fuck home. Think about it if it a male elf only the female would want him and he won't have to go through child birth but the female. Man they going to know a reckoning think is some hobo got one that man would bang her every minute not caring a about who sees or join and get her pregnant as well. That a fate I don't want to be in."

"What about nobles though Jared some maybe nice"

"My guy the nobles maybe worse because here the thing with a hobo you can escape from the hobo but from a noble nah no way out getting bang like a trophy until pregnant then give birth the heir and hope to god it not no girl also let not forgot that some noble will treat a girl and guy like property dressing them up like some toy for a child. While also wearing some exposed stuff. No wonder no elf's are seen just nobles doing that I will be worried what will happen if the orcs got there hands on them hell even the dragons. Listen maybe they just went extinct or just went to a different realm maybe".

"Maybe but you got to admit the female are the most beautiful girls out there. smooth ass skin nice assets and beautiful character. Just think having a wife that not only look so good but can you can talk to them like there a childhood friend and they won't judge you like a villian for anything!

"Yea I get that but still that the reason for all of this everyone want that down inside a wife that be by there side forever my guy and those elf's are loyal. Look I been hearing around underground that there maybe a big lead near a temple that the old elf's made why don't we check it out before anyone else. Just one more time man if we don't find anything we quit being hunter for the elf's ok."

"Fine but you owe me a drink first man."

(Sorry it short hope u like)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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