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     ~holding out for a hero -Bonnie Tyler~
{why? because it slaps thats why}

I slide under the meka's legs, narrowly avoiding
the swiping hand. My feet pounding the cobblestones, I cut a corner sharply, nearly plowing over a lady carrying about 15 shopping bags.
"watch where you are going young lady!" she yells indignantly as I drop to my knees on the street, quickly scooping the stuff she dropped into my arms.
"I'm so sorry." I stutter, dumping the stuff back into her arms as I hear the rythmic thumping of metal on cobblestone behind me.
I hold up my hands in apologies, and vault over the railing next to her, splaying my hands out behind me, leaving slippery puddles of water behind me as I duck into an alley.
I press myself against the wall, my breath coming in quick, rapid gasps.
I don't recognize the alley I'm in, which is bad. Somewhere along the way, I had gotten lost.
I hear thunking from the main street and flatten myself against the wall, holding my breath as the thunking stops.
A deep metallic voice rumbles,
"Have u seen this girl?"
And a creak of metal signifies whichever poor citizen the robot was harrassing has said no, and the meka was moving on. This is my chance.
I glance behind me at the dead end of the alley, and dash out from beneath the cover, back into the main street, making for the city walls.
I hear a shout followed by multiple clinks and winding of gears, and glance behind me, nearly tripping over my own feet.
The meka has brought some friends, I see.
"Citizens, stop her." The lead commands, and the crowd on the street freezes, all eyes on the chase. I slip between a couple walking side by side, my breathing ragged and shaky as the city walls inch nearer and nearer.
Almost there
The sound of a gun almost stops me in my tracks, but I slide to the ground just in time, the glare of a purple electro bullet flashing in front of my face.
I curse and take the steps up the walls two at a time,
"Vivienne!" I hear her commanding voice call.
I'm almost there now.
Water sprays as I skip across the fountain, my vision aiding in making my steps light as air on the water. I leave a trail of ripples in my wake.
I jump onto the city wall, eyeing the water far below.
Could i survive that?
No time to debate, I hear another zing! from Chlorinde's gun and spin around, finding the barrel at my forehead.
"There's nowhere to go." She growls, teeth gritted as she holds the barrel of her pistol steadily at my forehead.
"There always is." I grin, pushing my fear down. And then I take a step back.
Over the edge, staring up at the quickly growing smaller figure of Clorinde.

Then I twist my body around and face the water, and just as I make contact, I'm gone.

{u can end the music now that was just for the vibes}


I surface, sputtering in the sewer water.
Another close call, that's for sure.
I haul myself up dripping, and pull the water from the clothes with my vision, and drop the sphere of sewer water back into where it came from.
I grin, holding up my loot as Delphine and Manon come around the corner.
I share my section of the underworld sewer with them, and together we get by.
"Ooooh!!" Manon gushes, scooping the gears gently into her hand.
"That's not all." I smirk, and pull a chain from my pocket, dangling the massive jewel hooked on the end in front of them.
Delphine scoops her hand behind the jewel, turning it side to side, letting it catch what little light there is down here.

"It's real." She declares, a quicksilver grin slipping across her pale features. She was the daughter of a jeweler up above, but her mother had went missing about 2 years ago. Her father went MIA. So me and Manon pulled her into our group, and her knowledge is very much welcomed.

"How did you score this, Vi?" Manon asks, twirling the chain around her finger as we walk back the sewers to our "base".
I hesistate, and Delphine gives me a look.
"You didn't get caught, did you?" Manon gasps, her red cheeks going pale.
"She wouldn't be here if she was caught." Delphine rolls her eyes.
"Out with it, Vivi."

I take a deep breath and explain in a rush, from the chase, to the lady whose bags i knocked down (actually by accident) who I nabbed the necklace from, to the stand off with Chlorinde.
I'm out of breath by the end, and I watch Manon's reaction.
Delphine is impassive as always, but her eyebrows raise slightly.
Manon gasps so loud I think she may choke.
"You're insane." She breathes.
"Agreed." Delphine grins.

I snatch the necklace back and hold it above my head, the gears i stole rattling in my shirt sleeve.

"It was all worth it though, because dinner is on me tonight!" I declare, happiness rising in my chest.

First chapter done :)

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