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I scrub off my blue eyeshadow, fixing my mascara and removing my blue hat before checking my reflection in the water. The eyeshadow and hat are notorious on the street, and no way was I getting caught tonight.

I had just sold off the necklace for a hefty sum of mora, enough to pad my pockets for a day or two and treat my friends to dinner tonight.
We had come up with a plan.
In case, by some fluke, I was recognized, we would all be eating at different restaurants. Ruining the fun, but it would be worth it for the food. Plus, I wasn't about to drag them down with me.

I grab a bolt lying loose along the sewer path and slip it in my shoe, to mess up any recognizable patterns in my gait i may have. Then I slip off my cape, leaving it along our sewer path before I swing up the ladder.

 Then I slip off my cape, leaving it along our sewer path before I swing up the ladder

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the regular outfit vs the thief outfit(for those of u that skipped the character inspo💀)

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the regular outfit vs the thief outfit
(for those of u that skipped the character inspo💀)

On the street, I recognize Delphine and walk by her, slipping the money into her pocket as I go. She gives me a slight nod, and tilts her head to a glowing shop front. As I saunter up the street to the window, I catch a glimpse of Manon's outline and push through the curtains. She turns at the sound of the swish and blinks once as I drop the money into her purse.

Mission complete. I let my shoulders drop in relief as I slip out of the shop. I've picked Cafè Lucene for dinner, and I slip through the streets as I make my way. My heart warms as the soft glow of the cafe bathes me in the light.
I order a signature hot chocolate and a conch madeleine, before snagging the last table.

The heat from the hot chocolate seeps through my body, and I lean back against my chair as I pull a book out of my bag, Le Prix Des Bijoux, or The Price of Jewelery. If anyone asks, I can tell them I'm just an aspiring jeweler or something. I guess that's one name for my job, anyways.

I have my head resting on my hand, and have just flipped a page when I heard the scraping of a chair, rattling my table.
I jerk my head up as a deep voice asks,
"Do you mind if i sit here?"

My eyes meet startling blue ones, and I blink. My eyes dart up and down, assessing the man standing in front of me lightning-quick, before I nod.
He flashes a quick-silver grin and I'm instantly on guard as he sits down.
I eye the silver wolf chain on his cape with interest. Must be in a well paying job, to afford something like that. Wonder how much I could get for it.
I look back up and flash my most charming smile.
"What brings you here?" I ask.
He shrugs, and adjusts his plate of Conch Madeleine.
"Got bored after work. And hungry. You too?" He laughs and I laugh along.
Inwardly though, I'm quite confused. I'm confused at his angle here. He's very charming, that's for sure. Not bad on eyes either. At all.

I didn't answer his question, and I notice my mistake as soon as his eyes dart down to my book.
"Jeweler?" He guesses.
"Something like that." I shrug, making an effort not to give anything away.
He leans closer, resting his head on his palm, and I feel heat creep up my neck.
It's clear he's using his charms to get something. Yet I'm confused by what he wants. Clearly not anything relationship related, or else he would be sitting with the girl whose been glancing at him every two seconds from another table.

"What's your name? I haven't seen you around here before?" He asks, eyes intent on mine.
"Marie, Marie Auclair." I respond; following up with a: "and you?"
"Wriothesley. I work as a prison guard." He laughs; "It's quite the job."

But I barely hear what he says after his name. I should've known. Duke Wriothesley, the duke of the Fortress Of Meropide. He clearly expects I would have no clue of his status. But I do, and he's no mere "prison guard". He however cannot know who I am, or else he would've arrested me already.
"I'm sure." I sip my hot chocolate.

We make idle small talk for a while, and by the end when he stands  up, I'm confident he has no clue who I am.
"It was a pleasure meeting you, Mademoiselle Auclair." He offers a gloved hand.
"And you as well, Monsieur Wriotheseley." I take it, allowing him to help me out of my seat.
"Please, just call me Wriothesley."
He hasn't let go of my hand, and I eye the handcuffs clipped onto his waist with suspicion. He lets go.
"Alright." I agree; "Well, I best be going, my friends will be waiting."
I check my watch, its 11pm.

"Are you fine to walk back alone? It's rather late." He sounds rather concerned.
"No it's quite alright." I pat my vision at my hip.
"Thank you for the concern though." I flash him a smile, and start to turn on my heel when I'm stopped by a;
"Would you like to meet up for tea sometime?" He says cooly.

I turn back around. No way I'm going out to tea with the Duke of Meropide. I can't risk blowing my cover.
"I would love to. Let me check my schedule."
"That sounds lovely, I'll look forward to it."

And then he's gone, dissapearing into the cool Fontaine night.
I duck into a deserted alley, eyeing the dirty puddle of water in the back with disgust.
No way I'm jumping in that.

I pull my hat and mask out of my bag and slip them on, before swiping on my eyeshadow. Then I clip on my cape and I'm off. The streets are fairly empty since it's so late, and I make it to the fountain easily. A few people duck into shops as I pass by, my silhouette recognizable.

I hear the infamous click and whirrr of a police mech as I jump away.

As soon as I dry off in the sewers, my friends come flying around the corner.
"Where have you been? We were starting to get worried."
I wave off their questions.
"You'll never guess who I met."

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