Chapter 184 - First Client Second Time

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We stroll through the streets at a leisurely pace while exchanging a word or two. Lyona remains her mostly silent self, needing some kind of a prompt to speak up. She does rarely start a topic on her own, though it doesn't happen that often. Not like it's an issue. I can tell that she enjoys being on the receiving end more.

Our brief chats revolve mostly around her and my work. And obviously, we wander onto the topic of the mercenary company too. I fill her in on most of the responsibilities and duties that are going to be expected from her if she doesn't change her mind at the very last moment. I do my best to emphasise the fact that she can do that at any time if there is anything that might not lie right with her.

She doesn't show any signs of such thoughts, though. Even if we don't talk that much. One thing I can discern is her desire to switch her occupation from a guild clerk to a mercenary one. It's nothing extremely desperate but she does show that air of fixation on the position. Which isn't too shocking considering everything she's told me earlier.

We soon arrive in front of the mansion and our upcoming headquarters. Lyona takes a moment to glance towards the massive residence before we head towards the less impressive establishment on the other side of the street. She's definitely seen it not just once but I would lie if I said that it doesn't fill you with at least some awe each time it appears in your vision.

Wondering about her opinion about that side of our business, I lead our new potential clerk into the company's main base of operations, making a mental note to ask about that sometime in the future. I would rather not spook her right here. There's no need for her to have any kind of interaction with our business across the cobbled road. Though, I bet I don't have to worry about much considering how talkative Elise seems to be around her.

In the lobby of our soon-to-bee reception hall, only a handful of contractors and other workers loiter around, adding finishing touches to the not-that-big-but-still-majestic chamber. It's mostly tapestries bearing our characteristic purplish shade and the crest present on all the uniforms worn by our troops and other girls. I bet it won't be long before we see some paintings on these walls.

Perhaps Neira will want to create another masterpiece to hang above the reception desk like the one in the brothel. This time, with our badass merc girls instead of her Elf sisters. And maybe with a tad less nudity, heh.

Anyway, things are looking to be almost done. Leaving the people working on the final details in peace, I turn to Lyona and gesture around with my arms.

"You might have already been here at least once before, but let me officially welcome you to Utopia's Mercenary Corps Headquarters. This might be the room you will be seeing most of your time here since you don't need local accommodations. At least according to Elise. Feel free to speak for yourself if she is mistaken." I chuckle lightly. "Also, feel free to comment on anything you wish and offer your feedback. Anything you would want changed, altered, replaced, or added will be taken into consideration."

Lyona looks around with a calm gaze. "I heard that your other place is decorated with lots of paintings."

"That's correct. Courtesy of our resident maestro." I nod at her. "You are well informed. We might do the same here."

"Perhaps it would be more interesting to switch things up a little bit?" she asks, turning her ruby eyes to me.

"What do you have in mind?" I raise a curious brow at the white-haired beauty.

"Instead of paintings, you could do statues. Or rather busts. Each establishment would be unique, like a separate entity. Of course, many will still be aware of the company's origins, but it could help create a more independent image in the minds of those who will be hesitant to take their request to a subsidiary of a brothel," our potential recruit explains. "Just to make their feelings and emotions more at ease. I'm sure you are aware that attracting customers is the first and most important point of a good enterprise."

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