Q&A Info

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Holy shrimp! emojikitten just asked me like 6 questions on a comment about 20 minutes ago. So, I'll answer just about any questions, anytime, the Q&A that I promised you guys is just something I've wanted to do on Wattpad for a while. Lets go over some Q&A rules.

•Don't ask for anything among the lines of my house address, my school, or my Facebook, I only share my Facebook with friends on Wattpad that I know I can trust, like lovelygamergirl

•Be creative, you can ask question whether they're Wattpad related or not. You can ask questions about things like my pets, favorite color, how many stuffed animals I have, *A/N within an A/N A lot* favorite video game(s), just get creative with it.

•If you really want to, I'll do Skype calls. It just really depends on if you wanna be on a Skype call with an 11 year old girl who loves video games and just divorced her husband who was a cat.

•Q&A will be out on Friday, Only a few days before the release of something special. D*mn it, I'm sorry for the language BTW, but it's one of those moments where I just had to spit it out. I've already said too much.

So that's it, Q&A day is Friday. K, Cya all later, and goodbye! *Goodbye howl*

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