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Avantika's POV

"So, I met him at this gala I went to a month ago and we've been talking ever since."

We were done with lunch and now were in the living room with me and Aakriti on the swing where she was telling me all about this mystery guy of hers.

"Bro he is so hot, I'm telling you you'll need ice patches to cool yourself down once I show you his picture." She says with a smirk and I roll my eyes at her chuckling.

She opens her Instagram and shows me this guy's picture.


He looks weirdly familiar. I think I've seen him somewhere, I just can't remember where. I look at his username; Yash Shah.

Hmm, maybe Pri would remember something, I should ask her when I see her.

"Bohot sahi hai na?" Aakriti asks and I just nod absentmindedly, still looking at the screen trying to remember where I've seen this guy from.

"Yaar but he's upset with me right now." She frowned.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion.

"So, kal he asked me if he could come over to meet me and I said no because I had plans with you guys. And now he thinks that I'm not serious about him and is all like, 'I can't do this if I don't see it getting anywhere.' and 'Do you not trust me  enough to meet your family?' and all that stuff." Aakriti elaborated.

Huh. Didn't she just meet him a month ago? Is it just me? I mean, after all she is fairly new at all the dating stuff. Maybe I should-

You know what, maybe I'm being paranoid.

"Hey, can I bring him to Aksh's Sangeet? Maybe that'll show him how serious I am."

Two surprised voices came at the same time. One mine, and the other from behind me and Aakriti.

I looked behind to see a confused Lakshya standing there, hands in his pockets.

"Invite whom to the party?" Lakshya had his eyebrows raised and a frown on his face.

Damn it, he should not be looking this, for the lack of better term, fucking sexy with that expression. Ugh, life's so unfair!

"Bhai! Why the hell are you prying on our conversation? Go away."

"That is not an answer."

The rest of their quarrel was a bunch of incoherent sounds for me as I was busy with an internal debate of restlessly staring at this dude in front of me and getting myself to stop doing so.

The red alerts in my head were going off hard.
Stop it Avi, look away! Save yourself before you get cau-

Oh shit.

Before I got the chance to save myself, Lakshya's eyes fell on me.

I turned my head the other side at the speed of light, my eyes wide from the realisation that he just caught me staring at him.

Shit shit shit shit shit.

Although, I was facing the opposite direction, I could feel him looking at me, and I could feel a smirk forming on his face.

Oh mother earth, please open up now and swallow me whole.

"Well, you don't get to decide who gets to come. Avi bategi. Avi?" Aakriti prompted, clearly oblivious to the existential crisis I'm going through right now.

And just a moment later, Lakshya's fingers reached under my chin turning my head the other side and directing my attention to him.

"Avi? Batao?" He asked in his usual calm, deep tone, his hand grazing my chin. But there was something else in his eyes. The bastard was having fun.




Both the siblings said at the same time, but their tones could not be more different. While Aakriti's voice was filled with ecstasy, her brother was.....well let's just say he sure has hell wasn't smirking now.

Take that, Shekhawat.

"I mean, I'll have to ask the bride and groom but I'm sure they won't mind." Now I was the one having all the fun.

"Are you sure they won't mind having a complete stranger at the party?" Lakshya had an eyebrow raised now.

"Bhai COME ON!"

"Nope. We have place for some extra guests. And he is Riti's boyfriend after all."

How cute, he was trying so hard not to twitch his eyes at the word boyfriend or lose his shit altogether. He was such a softie for his sister.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't just doing this to mess with Lakshya, I needed to meet this Yash dude in person to see if he's upto any good or not. And maybe that way I'll remember who he was.

"Yeah, just to make sure, I'm gonna go confirm with Aksh." Lakshya squinted his eyes at me and made his way towards Aksh.

I gave my brother a look as if to tell him to mess the heck out of the dude coming his way. He looked at Lakshya and smirked in response.

This twin telepathy thing sure does come in handy.

"Are you sure about him coming to the Sangeet Avi?" I turned head to the side to focus on Aakriti.

"Are you?"

She seemed to really think a moment about my question.

"I mean, I know it's a bit extreme, but I like him a lot, and I don't want him to think otherwise. And besides, I really want to know what you think about him." She ended with a smile.

I couldn't help but return the smile.

"Hey by the way, did you know we went to our school until 9th grade? How crazy is that? Maybe you know him."

Our school?

Oh my god. That's it.

The realisation then dawned on me as to where I knew him from.He was my classmate for a year.

But there were still things that I was missing. If my memory serves me right, he left the school mid year. I wonder what happened to him.

"I am telling you Lucky, me and Ishika are completely fine with Aakriti's new boyfriend attending the ceremony." My brother's honey glazed voice fell in my ears.

You could practically feel Lakshya roll his eyes. He was so done with this shit.

Normally, I would be rolling on the floor laughing at how well my brother was in getting the best of Lakshya. But apparently, there was something else entirely on my mind right now for me to be able to pay attention to their conversation.


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