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Avantika's POV

I wonder what all that was about.

It's been hours since Lakshya had gone in the meeting room. And by the look on his face earlier, I'm pretty sure he would much rather be anywhere else in the world.

I mean, I've never seen that man this much unsettled unless his cat is sick or something.

"Just who the hell are these unexpected guests?" I turn my head towards Rudra who's plopped beside me on the sofa near the reception.

"Just a bunch of self entitled pains in the ass with creative ways to make people miserable. It's really a waste of good words to talk about them."

"Come on, hit me with it. It's not often someone gets your brother this hot and bothered."

I thought I heard him mumble something under his breath with the tiniest smirk before he sat straight and rotated himself toward me.

"Alright. But if Lakshya asks, you didn't hear it from me. Deal?"


He sighed before beginning, "Kareena Arora yaad hai?"

That caught me off guard for a moment. Damn, it's been a while since I've heard that name.

I leaned closer so that now we were whispering, "Voh Kareena Arora?"

He nodded, "Voh Kareena Arora."

After a dramatic pause, he started again, "Anyway, you know her family and ours have never been the best of friends. And they're just always finding opportunities to remind us why."

"So the people in there are...."

"Her father and her brother. And probably one of their sidekicks."

"Oh. I didn't know your families were so...unfriendly."

He looked at me like I'd grown a second head. "You didn't know? Dude, they used their own child as a pawn to mess with a seventeen year old's mind. What kind of friendly person does that?"

My body went straight and eyes wide as the realisation hit.

"They did what!?"

"What? You really don't know? Weren't you the one who..."

"I knew she was upto something, but I didn't know someone put her up to it." There is no way.

"Her father did. We got to know from the janitor who heard her on a call or something, I don't remember."

What the actual fuck.

"So all that Kareena drama was because of the man inside? Lakshya could've gotten his heart broken, and I couldn't have forgiven myself. Are you saying that's all because of him?" My fists are so tight my nails are digging in my skin.

Rudra just shrugged with his eyebrows scrunching in a sad look, "I told you they had creative ways to make people miserable."


"And ever since Lakshya took over, they've been more annoying than ever. Showing up unannounced all the time, finding ways to get on his nerves, and whatnot. They probably think he's an easier target now that papa's retired." He let out an annoyed sigh.

I chuckled. "Lakshya being an easy target. Yeah, right. Can you imagine?"

"Right? If anything he's more ruthless than papa, or anyone else for that matter."

I shrugged as he stated the facts.

He shook his head, "It still gets upsetting though. They've been onto him for years like leeches, sucking off of every peaceful moment he gets. I mean, how obsessed do you have to be to try and constantly fuck with the mind of a kid that doesn't even have anything to do with your stupid fueud. Do you know how disgusting that is?"

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