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Taehyung's eyes fluttered open as the harsh sound of his alarm clock pierced the stillness of his room. He reached out and silenced it with a sigh, glancing at the date on his phone. It had been six years today. Six years since his world had turned gray.

With a heavy heart, Taehyung got out of bed and dressed in somber black attire. He moved with purpose through the city streets, his destination clear in his mind. The flower shop at the corner was his first stop. He selected a bouquet of her favorite flowers, delicate white lilies, and red roses.

The cemetery was peaceful, bathed in the soft morning light. Taehyung made his way to her grave, his steps quiet on the gravel path. He knelt before the headstone, the bouquet in his trembling hands.

"Happy 6th anniversary, my love," he whispered, his voice breaking. Tears welled up in his eyes, but he blinked them away, unwilling to let them fall just yet.

Taehyung carefully arranged the flowers at her grave, the vibrant colors a stark contrast to the serene surroundings. He sat down beside the stone, tracing the engraved letters of her name with his fingers.

"I miss you every day."

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