I'm Here

590 17 1

Don't come back...


Hanako barely made it to the corridors when she collapsed onto the floor.

She breathed heavily and clutched at her chest. She squeezed her eyes shut.

"One...." she breathed shakily.

"Two...." her voice was cracking.

"Thr-" she gagged.

Her heart was racing. Something was nawing at her heart.

Sweat dripped onto her hand as she repeated one thought.

" Find Tsunade sama."

Her heart was slowly beating more evenly now. Hanako took deeper breaths. She shut out the inner voices.

They weren't real.

At least, that was what Hanako wanted to believe.

Quivering, she got up on her feet.

'Find Tsunade sama'

Hanako ran through the corridor, heading for the spectator's area, where Tsunade sama would be.

"Hanako!" She halted and looked back.

Midoriya was standing there. Hanako almost narrowed her eyes.


The green haired boy smiled. " You did a good job! Todoroki used his fire!"

Hanako forced a smile. For some reason, she really didn't want to talk to Midoriya.

"Yeah...Well that's something isn't it? Sorry, but I really have to go." She turned back and kept running.

She heard Midoriya's voice. " Wait! Are you meeting with the Empress?"

Without looking back, she answered, "Yeah!"

She ran up the steps two at a time and yanked opened the door.

And came face to face with a silver haired man.

He was wearing a hero suit, and a mask sheilded half of his face. He leaned down and eyed Hanako.

" Aren't you Tsuyuri?" He asked.

Hanako blinked, not expecting him to speak to her.

" I am." She responded.

The man bowed. " I am Edgeshot. Nice to meet you."

Hanako bowed as well in respect. This man was obviously a Pro hero, although Hanako still knew nothing about him except his name.


She recalled something Tsunade sama said.

" I told Edgeshot that you would win."

So this was the guy? Judging by what Tsunade sama said and how she said it, they should be close.

" Do you know where Tsunade sama-I mean, the Empress is?" Hanako asked.

Edgeshot raised an eyebrow. " She went away to deal with some errands, but she should be back just before the Final round."

Hanako internally cursed. She wouldn't have time to speak to her if she was only coming back just before.

" I see. Thank you," she said to Edgeshot before making her way to the spectators area.

" Say," he started. Hanako stopped.

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