10 - Recovery

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Someone grabbed the girl and almost threw her away from me. I dropped to the ground, tears escaping my puffy red eyes. I was petrified by what happened and I was certainly traumatised by what had just taken place. I stared off into space towards the ground as I sat there on my knees. I completely zoned away from what happening right in front of me.

~ ???'𝐒 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ~

I kicked the girl away from Evan and kept her away from him. I was entering the library a few moments ago to retrieve a book I needed for one of my classes and I noticed that nobody was here. But when I went further into the library's aisles to find the book, I heard some muffled sobbing and the sound of panicked breathing and crying. I sneaked over to see what was happening and as soon as I saw the girl forcing herself on Evan like that, I burst into anger and I grabbed her, throwing her onto the floor. I kicked her further away to keep her away from him.

"What the hell do you think you are doing to Evan?!" I exclaimed in rage.

"I-I... W-we.. were just h-having f-f-fun-" she got cut off as I instantly grabbed her stuff and threw it at her.

"Leave this place right now, and I swear on everything that I care about, if I see you near Evan, look at Evan, as much as breathe the same air as Evan, you will wish you had never been born into any life..." I demanded in pure fury and anger. She scurried away with her stuff and left immediately with a horrified expression. I watched her leave before immediately turning back towards Evan.

"Evan! Are you alright?!" I panicked as I rushed over to help comfort him.

"S-she... I-I-I...-" He stuttered, unable to speak or bring words up.

"It's gonna be alright, just breathe, in... And out... In... And out..." I comforted him. He obeyed and followed my instructions hesitantly.

"It's okay, she is gone and if she goes near you again, I will choke her to death with my own bare hands. I'll get Az to bring the duffle-bag and he'll help hide the body if need be-" I was cut off as he jumped into my arms and made me hold him in my arms.

I held him closely and I gently rubbed his bare skin on his shirtless back. Now that I notice it... He looks cute without a shirt on- WAIT WHAT THE FAWK AM I TALKING ABOUT?! H-he is not cute! It doesn't matter... I just need to be here to comfort him.

"T-thank y-y-you.. G-greg..." Evan muttered under his breathe into my ear. I slightly smiled at Evan and held hi tightly, making sure he knew everything was okay...


Evan came over to my house for the day since it is Saturday and neither of us felt like studying. We sat on my bed in silence. I was going to ask him if he was alright from yesterday, but I figured that would be a bit of a sensitive topic to talk about. Plus, he already started talking.

"Greg, I want to thank you for saving me yesterday from that weird girl.. If you didn't show up and help me, I probably would have suffered something horrible...-" I cut Evan's words off.
"It's perfectly fine. I could hear that you weren't having a good time and that you desperately needed help out of that situation. I'm just glad that I was there to help save you." I said to him with slight emotion in my words. An emotion that wasn't anger, depression or annoyance. Instead, it was an emotion of care and happiness. Which I haven't felt in a long time. Since the day I escaped the Pizzaplex barely alive, I never felt happy or joyful or anything positive ever again. Not until this moment.

"Uhm.. Greg? Are you okay? Y-you're staring right at me," Evan said with a slight stutter and a nervous smile. I popped back into reality and out of my trance.

"No, everything is fine."
What is this feeling?
"I just zoned out."
I feel warm and happy when I'm with you... Why?


I am so sorry this took forever to be released!! I wasn't sure how to word any of this chapter and make it make sense, but I pushed through despite that fact and that I had 0% motivation to even write.

If you want to, you can comment some ideas for me to base my chapters off of :)

I'm thinking about starting an official schedule for posting chapters, but it's still up for debate seeing as I haven't been sleeping well lately, I've been crafting a mask (it's one of my hobbies) and I have to go back to school in like, 2 days :(

But oh well, we roll :)


What is your favourite food?

(My) A:
Peach (+pear) in strawberry jelly, or BubbleMe Boba tea ice cream (brown sugar flavour) 😋

869 😏

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