Chapter 20 ~ heartbreak ~

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The following morning everyone woke up feeling a bit gloomy. Kan and Andy should have been used to it by now with all the travelling they did but leaving friends and loved ones behind was never easy.

Kiri and Lon did what they could to cheer them up but in the end they just had to leave them to come around on their own.

It made Kiri and Lon realise just how lucky they were, yes they were both orphans but they'd always had each other and now they even worked together, best friends, partners and the closest thing to brothers as two men could ever be. 

Phikhuam woke up with his arms around Ian and snuggled as close as he could get with the damn cast, it was really getting on his last nerve now but when it came off, Ian would go back to the UK and he wouldn't see him again until his filming was finished. 

It would be at least several months and the thoughts of being separated from Ian after seeing him every day tore him up, he would have to keep busy so he didn't dwell on it too much.

Liam and Champ woke up in Champs bed, he had tried to get Liam to sleep in his own bed because there wasn't really room for two muscular dudes in a single bed but Liam had said that it was cosy so that's what they had ended up doing.

Champ had soon realised that what Liam wanted, Liam would get or he would badger him until he did but Champ didn't really mind. He'd had fun this past few days and the sex had been the best sex he'd ever had and he wondered if Liam had spoilt him for anyone else.

He actually couldn't imagine doing the things they had done with anyone else, it's like it was a one time deal just for Liam.

After a morning kiss which Liam had insisted on, Champ climbed out of the bed and walked over to the telephone to order room service.

"what do you want to eat Liam?" Champ asked.

"you baby" he replied.

Somewhere over the course of the past few days, Liam had started calling Champ baby but it didn't bother him really.

"come on Liam, she's waiting to take the order"

"juice, omelette rice and a cup of green tea" Liam reeled off his choices.

"two juices, one green tea, one english breakfast tea, one omelette rice dish and bacon and eggs please love" Champ said.

"ok sir, it will be around 40 minutes"

"thanks love" Champ replied before hanging up.

Liam didn't like how he called the person on the phone so he asked him about it,

"why did you call the person on the phone love?"

"it's a yorkshire thing, it doesn't mean we love the person" Champ shrugged laughing.

"if you were mine I would make you stop" Liam said

"good job we're just having fun then int it" Champ said.

"I guess" Liam replied.

"breakfast is going to be about 35 minutes now so I'm going to take a shower" Champ said.

"ok, I'll grab another ten minutes" Liam said sulking.

Champ had been in the bathroom for about five minutes when someone knocked on the door. Breakfast was fast today Liam thought to himself as he pulled on a hotel robe and walked to the door to open it.

He could hear Champ humming in the shower and smiled to himself, he shouldn't ruin their last few hours together by sulking over random words. Reaching the door he pulled it open and his mouth fell open in shock.

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