Stare - Joaquin

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Mary is the girl that leaves
you to rot she says 'I am real
and you are not'
-Alex G.

                              'In another life,I would
                               be your girl,we'd keep
                               all our promises'
                              -Katy Perry

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Sometimes special people come into our lives,and you know that they're special by something that they only have.
I'm not really the type that expresses his emotions, but with that girl, everything changed.
She has something that has always caught my eye,but I don't know what,and so I always find myself staring at her.
Stare,a form of body language that means to look constantly at someone or something with amazement.
And that's exactly my case,with this girl.
She has h/c h/l hair,with h/c eyes,I always get lost in them,it seems like a milion of stars live in them,just to make them shine everyday.
Her hair are soft and beautiful. If I could, I would caress them all day.
But I can't,I could never.
That's because I'm not real,I'm just a vision,a vision of her schizophrenic brother, Adam.
I've been alive for awhile now,and since I laid my eyes on her,I've been in love,but not like those girls that I watch on magazines, she's better,because she's real.
Even though I'm not,I can still smell her scent,sweet vanilla,like the ice cream.
I would love to be real,just to be able to hold her close,to touch her and kiss her,to give her the love that she deserves.
Adam,is trying to take pills to make us go away,and with us I mean the other visions,but I begged him to don't do it,I begged him to make me see his sister, at least I'm able to see her.
Adam knows how much I care for her.. even though I'm not real..
I know I'm not exactly her type,but I would try to death to be with her,if only I could at least talk to her one time,i would tell her what I've been hiding inside of me since the day I saw her.
How she made butterflies fly in my stomach every time she passes beside me,not knowing that I'm there with her.
I love walking her around,she seems so peaceful when she's alone,with the air flying a little for the wind,or when she smiles,she makes my heart melt.
I know Adam knows,maybe that's why he's not taking his let me see his sister.
I know he noticed how I look at her,I know my sight is different when I look at her,when I look at the girls in the magazines, all I see is their body..but when I look at her,all I see is an entire world to discover, not just for her body,but for who she is.
My pupils probably take the shape of two hearts when I look at her,she's so gentle and delicate, almost like a little angel.
I know I'm sounding cheesy and saying too romantic shit,but it's what I feel for her,and I can't help it.
She's been dating with this guy,Josh,I don't know why,but I have a weird feeling about him,and it's not just the jealousy that I prove for him everytime I look at him,but it's just that when he comes near her,I feel like I should warn her about something.
But I can't, I explained it to Adam,and he doesn't agree with me,so I'm just on my own, I guess.
"Trust me,he's onto something, I know it" I said to Adam,and he rolled his eyes "no Joaquin, he's not,you're just jealous" he replied,and I scoffed,well of course i was jealous,that he could touch her,kiss her and hold her,but I would have never admitted that "Nah,I know he's not good for her" I said and Adam sighed in defeat.
"Just promise me that if something happens to her, you'll do something too," I said,and Adam looked at me. He looked at my face for a few seconds and nodded.
Suddenly, we started hearing heavy sobs from her room. Oh no,what happened?
I quickly got up, and Adam got up too,I rushed to her room,but I couldn't open the door, Adam went to her room too and knocked on the door. "Sam?" He asked gently,as we heard more sobs."Yeah?" A shaky voice said from the other part of the door."Is everything okay?" Adam asked softly, and she kept sobbing."Can I come in?" Adam asked "yeah" she said weakly,while crying, Adam twisted the doorknob and opened the door slowly, when it was fully opened I saw a scene that broke my heart into million pieces instantly, there was her,layed on her bed,with hot tears streaming out of her eyes,red eyes and her makeup melted on her cheeks,and some on the pillow too.
I immediately went towards her and hugged her,I knew she couldn't feel it,but I wanted to hold her close.
"Sam,what happened?" Adam asked gently as he kneeled down at her head's height, looking at her.
"He cheated on me" she said between sobs,I felt anger burning up in my body,I knew that bastard was onto something, that asshole, how dare him to cheat on a girl like this? I kept holding her close while stroking her hair.
"I'm so sorry Y/n" Adam said as he hugged her too,she hugged him back and buried her head in his shoulder, making his shirt wet and dirty of makeup,but he kept hugging her.
"He doesn't deserve you," me and I said at the same time,I kept stroking her hair gently, and Adam looked at her.
"Want some ice cream and maybe hot chocolate? Like we did when we were little" He smiled at her,she smiled a little "yeah" she said,Adam nodded and got up,leaving the room,as I stayed there,hugging her and stroking her hair. "God I love you" I said to her,but obviously she couldn't hear or feel me,but I didn't care,in that moment, all that I wanted to do was making her feel loved,even though I could never do that.

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